How many feet can you stop a bus for hire from a rail road crossing?
at least ___ ft. but not more than ____ ft.
15 and 50
Are probationary officers allowed to have riders?
G.O. 211.05 (H) Probationary officers will not be permitted to host an observer until they have completed probation.
8001 Shadywood Ln
In what country was Elon Musk born?
South Africa
If someone were found with armor-piercing ammunition, they would be in violation of what offense?
Prohibited Weapons
How many inches from the curb can you park a car?
18 inches
Can someone who has committed a felony be diverted to a mental health facility?
Persons who are accused of committing a felony or any level of offense which involves the commission of violence shall not be diverted. 310.00 Field Diversion
What is the address of the city Library?
9015 Grand Ave
What country has the most islands?
Sweden - 270,000
What crime occurs when a person throws an object or discharges a firearm or weapon at a train or rail-mounted work equipment, or enters or remains on railroad property without the effective consent of the owner?
Interference with Railroad Property - 28.07
Sec. 552.003. PEDESTRIAN RIGHT-OF-WAY AT CROSSWALK. (a) The operator of a vehicle shall stop and yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing a roadway in a crosswalk if:
(1) no traffic control signal is in place or in operation; and
(2) the pedestrian is:
(A) on the half of the roadway in which the vehicle is traveling; or
(B) approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger.
What does P.L.A.N.E. stand for?
Proportional, Legal, Authorized, Necessary, and Ethical G.O. 303 Response to Resistance
What is the address of Santander in D-3?
5201 Rufe Snow
Where is the strongest human muscle located?
The Jaw
A person commits what level offense if he intentionally or knowingly displays or distributes an obscene photograph, drawing, or similar visual representation or other obscene material and is reckless about whether a person is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display or distribution.
M/C - Obscene Display or Distribution - 43.22
Sunscreening devices (Tint), when measured in combination with the original glass, must have a light transmittance value of ___% or more.
Employees may be reimbursed for clothing, wrist watches, prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, and footwear which are lost, damaged or destroyed as a result of the performance of their duties.
Reimbursement under this policy cannot exceed ____ How much money?
G.O. 708.00 Personal Property
What is the address of the KNV Valero in D-2?
7801 Glenview
What is the smallest US state by area?
Rhode Island
A person commits an offense if, with intent to defraud or harm another:
(1) he makes or alters an object, in whole or in part, so that it appears to have value because of age, antiquity, rarity, source, or authorship that it does not have;
(2) he possesses an object so made or altered, with intent to sell, pass, or otherwise utter it; or
(3) he authenticates or certifies an object so made or altered as genuine or as different from what it is.
What offense is this?
Criminal Simulation 32.22.
What does a "B" restriction mean on a DL?
A licensed driver 21 years of age or older must be in the front seat
True or False: There a city policy that requires department personnel to utilize the 24-hour time format?
It is the policy of the Department that personnel will utilize the twenty-four (24) hour time format for all radio communications, official police reports, inter-office correspondence, and all other police business that does not specifically require a twelve (12) hour format.
What is the address of the Iron Horse Golf Course?
6200 Skylark Cir
Pink Ladies and Granny Smiths are types of what fruit?