Redemptive Discipline
Music Time
Essential Policies
QT, LM, & Rhythm
Evacuation Drill

Redemptive Discipline trains children to love_____ and love __________.

God and others


Do you need to be a good singer to lead music time?



Explain the 2 adult policy.

No child is ever left alone with 1 adult.


Is Quiet Time intended to be a nap or rest time?  

If no, what is the purpose?

Taking time to "be still and know that I am God", to think about God.


In case of an Evacuation Drill where should the CLs be when leading the class outside?

1 in front and 1 in back


There are 2 types of response to a discipline situation. Name 1 of them.

Preventive, Responsive


What is one reason we do Music Time with the children?

To teach them to worship through singing to God.


What does the to-the-door policy mean?

All children must be accompanied to and from the classroom by their registered adult.


Large Muscle activities help children expend energy and exercise their growing bodies.  Name a recent Large Muscle activity you enjoyed.

CL response


What are the red and green signs used for?

To let the CS/ACS know if you have all your kids or if you need help.


Basic Tools used in Redemptive Discipline are:


Nurturing Love


Setting Limits


Share how you use 1 of these in your classroom.

CL response

Name 2 Activities you can us during Music Time to help engage the kids.

Musical instruments, mirror, draw names out of a box, dry erase board


Each BSF Kids program must have a Children's Supervisor and an Assistant Children's Supervisor.  Name 1 way the CS or ACS can help you on class day.

potty breaks, getting things from the closet, assisting with discipline, talking with a registering adult


While Rhythm time can be incorporated during Music Time or Large Muscle, it is a fun opportunity to expose children to music in a hands on way.

Name 1 item in the closet that you could use for Rhythm Time.

shakers, rhythm sticks, bells, bean bags


How much time should you allow the kids to gather up their things in order to evacuate?

No extra time for shoes or coats, just go!