Vocab Riddles
Lost in Translation
Correct that Grammar!
?? True or False ??
Sentence Creations

I cover you from head to toe, making sure you're looking good for the show.

What compound adjective am I?



How would you word this sentence in English?

Los árboles y las plantas purifican el aire.

Trees and plants purify the air.


What needs to change in this sentence to be correct?

They might have get lost.

They might have gotten lost.


The 3rd conditional is used to talk about things that are likely to come true.


The 3rd conditional is used to talk about hypothetical (imaginary) past situations, past possibilities, and regrets/gratitude.


Write a sentence that expresses your level of certainty about something using either a present or past modal of deduction.

Win points if your sentence doesn't need corrections!


I catch your eye with a magnetic charm, I live primarily in daydreams, and could be someone you'd love to have on your arm!

What compound adjective am I?



How would you word this sentence in English?

¿Qué significa ser exitosa?

Gain an extra 200 points if you answer the question accurately!

What does it mean to be successful?


What needs to change in this sentence to be correctly in the 3rd conditional form?

If you haven't spent so much time in the bathroom, I wouldn't be late for work!

If you hadn't spent so much time in the bathroom, I wouldn't be late for work!


Modal verbs express:

- ability

- certainty

- necessity

- obligation

- permission

- possibility

- willingness



Write a sentence about what you would have done if someone handed you $5,000 in cash.

Win points if you wrote an accurate response, and wrote it correctly in the 3rd conditional!


My topics are spoken of in hushed tones. I'm embraced by some, but by most, I'm forbidden and feared. Bringing me up can result in you being jeered.

What word am I?


How would you word this sentence in English?

Habré escrito el libro antes del año nuevo.

I’ll have written the book before the new year.


What is incorrect about this sentence?

Next week, I would be cleaning my house.

Next week, I will be cleaning my house.


All of the simple perfect tenses (past perfect, present perfect, future perfect) express the completion of actions in relation to specific points in time.



Change the subordinate clause in this sentence into a participle clause:

Because she didn't like ice cream, he bought her a slice of cake.

Example of a correct answer:

Knowing she didn't like ice cream, he bought her a slice of cake.


I never betray my thoughts, no matter the joke or jest. Always stoic, my expression remains at rest.

What compound adjective am I?



How would you word this sentence in English?

Estaré horneando toda la tarde.

I will be baking all afternoon.


What needs to change in this sentence to be correct?

You will be visited all the places you dreamed of seeing.

Extra points if you can name the tense!

You will have visited all the places you dreamed of seeing.


There are 3 types of participles that you can begin a participle clause with:

- past participle (studied)

- present participle (studying)

- continuous participle (being studying)


There are 3 types of participles, but they are:

- past participle (studied)

- present participle (studying)

- perfect participle (having studied)


Write 4-6 sentences in response to these questions:

How should you conduct yourself in a professional setting? Why is it important to behave in a professional manner?

Win points if your answer is accurate and your sentences don't need corrections!


I make your heart race and your palms sweat. With situations like me, you can't help but fret!

What compound adjective am I?



How would you word this sentence in English?

Queriendo causar buena impresión, Juan invitó a todo el mundo.

Wanting to make a good impression, Juan invited everyone.


What needs to change in this sentence to be correct?

How does green foilage influence our mental health?

How does green foliage influence our mental health?


The future continuous tense expresses an action that will be ending at a particular moment in the future.


The future continuous tense expresses an action that will be ongoing at a particular moment in the future.


Write 4-6 sentences about ways that a city could increase their green space and why they should do it!

Win points if your answer is accurate and doesn't need corrections!