Mixed Errors

Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

However, there is another half of the population that prefers to keep their childs at home until they are old enough to go to school.

However, there is another half of the population that prefers to keep their CHILDREN at home until they are old enough to go to school.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

Nowadays, with both of the parents working, looking after young children is a mayor discussion.

Nowadays, with both of the parents working, looking after young children is a MAJOR discussion.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in a student's review.

The Sella Drop is, as far as I see it, a completely must try experience for everyone no mattering age of genre.

The Sella Drop is, as far as I see it, a completely must try experience for everyone no MATTER age OR genDER.


Correct language error(s)

The concept may puzzles you yet it is very simple.

The concept may PUZZLE you yet it is very simple.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

Nowadays, young kids are widely alleged to be in some ways a kind of problem or at least something that needs loads of attention.

Nowadays, young CHILDREN are widely alleged to be, in some ways, a kind of problem or at least something that needs LOTS / PLENTY of attention.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

It is the cheapest choice since you would not have to pay to your relatives for taking care of the toddlers.

It is the cheapest choice since you would not have to pay your relatives TO TAKE care of the toddlers.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in a student's review.

It sounds amazing so far, doesn't it? But that's not everything.

It sounds amazing so far, doesn't it? But that's not ALL!


Correct language error(s).

Although the mayority choose to leash them it is not a rule but defnetly a recommendation.

Although the maJority choose to leash them, it is not a rule but DEFINITELY a recommendation.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

In fact, it has it sense up to a point, as it is shown in recent studies made by the government educational department.

In fact, IT / THIS MAKES sense up to a point, as HAS BEEN shown in recent studies CONDUCTED by the government educational department.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

Furthermore, you would have the certainty that all your morals would be pass down to them.

Furthermore, you would have the certainty that all your morals would be passED down to them.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in a student's review.

Only after trying it you will understand why.

Only after trying it, WILL YOU understand why.


Correct the language error(s).

Undoubtedly, these activities are worth it if you are looking for doing something fun and different!

Undoubtedly, these activities are worth it if you are looking TO DO something fun and different!

Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

On the other hand, I reckon it is also necessary to take nurseries or pre-schools into account, as parents may have to work several hours throughout the day and grandparents may not be available. 

On the other hand, I BELIEVE it is also necessary to take nurseries or pre-schools into account, as parents may have to work several hours throughout the day and grandparents may not be available.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

Despite being home education extremely crucial and moreover a deciding relevant factor, nurseries are by far a superior way for improving child's learning skills.

Despite HOME EDUCATION BEING extremely crucial and moreover a decidEDLY relevant factor, nurseries are by far a superior way OF improving A child's learning skills.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in a student's review.

However, there is a basic rule: you must not carry the cat or you will be instanly disclasify.

However, there is a basic rule: you must not carry the cat or you will be instanTly disQUALIFIED.


Correct the language error(s).

A huge amount of people nowadays includes songs of this genre in their playlists instead of others due to the characteristic catchy rhythms and melodies.

A huge NUMBER of people nowadays INCLUDE songs of this genre in their playlists instead of others due to the characteristic catchy rhythms and melodies.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

Moreover, from my point of view, this kind of environments really benefit young children, as they can learn how to get along with the other kids and improve their social abilities since the beginning.

Moreover, from my point of view, THESE kind of environments really benefit young children, as they can learn how to get along with the other TODDLERS / YOUNGSTERS / PRE-SCHOOLERS and improve their social SKILLS FROM the beginning.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in this sentence from a student's essay.

As a result, these little boys and girls will undoubtedly be able to manage their feelings in the near future, which is absolutely important when experiencing awkward situations.

As a result, these little boys and girls will undoubtedly be able to manage their feelings in the near future, which is CRITICALLY / VITALLY / EXTREMELY / HUGELY / VERY / REALLY / ... important when experiencing awkward situations.


Correct the stylistic or language error(s) in a student's review.

In conclusion, I would recommend these two activities to anyone keen on psychomotricity or extreme sports, as you would have to be very focused on both your body and environment in order not to fail, as well as having a whale of a time discovering new hobbies, natural habitats and wildlife.

Remove "in conclusion" or replace with something different - it isn't appropriate in an review (more for an essay)


Correct the language error(s).

This last aspect is due to the fact that children are in constant touch with other humans of their age, therefore they have to get along with them and besides try to start relationships based on kindness and respect.

This last aspect is due to the fact that children are in constant touch with other humans of their age, therefore they have to get along with them and IN ADDITION try to start relationships based on kindness and respect.