Name 7 phrasal verbs from this course

Suggested: drop out of, see to, keep up with, carry out, miss out on, pass away, back up


Name phrasal verbs that mean: 1) to convey, to succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information to someone, 2) to disappoint someone; not to do something you promised 

1) get across (an idea), 2) let sb down


Name 5 sounds

Suggested: crackle, chime, churp, shriek, rustle, purr, buzz, roar, screech, hawl, splash, squeak, tinkle, creak


Name 5 cooking verbs

Suggested: grate, simmer, grind, slice, grease, dice, season, stir, chop, rinse, roast, garnish, spread, sprinkle


Name 5 character traits

Suggested: hospitable, obnoxious, conscientious, gregarious, inquisitive, easy-going, hostile, impetuous
indecisive, insensitive, loyal, narrow-minded, obstinate 


Give 3 phrases that mean CHANGE

Suggested: do a 180, have a change of heart, change of scenery


Give 3 idioms to say that someone is lying

Suggested: bend the truth, bluff your way out of sth, pull the wool over someone's eyes, sugar coat, lie through one's teeth, lie to sb's face, pull someone's leg


Give 3 phrases that mean: TO CONFESS

Suggested: get it off my chest, blurt out, bring to light, spit it out, confide in sb


Give 2 phrases that mean: TO HIDE information

Suggested: hush up, sweep it under the rug, my lips are sealed, don't tell a soul, have sceleton in the closet


Give 5 words/phrases connected to EDUCATION

Suggested: play truant, keep up/fall behind with the studies, take a year out, tuition fee, enroll in/at, skim over, soak the knowledge up, take a crash course in, crack a book, cram for tests, get the hang of, pick up 


Give 3 phrases to talk about TRADITIONS and BELIEFS

Suggested: adhere to customs, deference to traditions, reluctant to change, rigid in one's beliefs, straightforward, virtue, withstand the test, for the sake of, blasphemy, in vogue


Give 4 phrases with the word NAME

Suggested: big name, call by name, call someone names, clear one’s name, drop names, household name, no-name, the name of the game, you name it


Give 3 phrases that show HIGH PRICE of something

Suggested: a highway robbery, sky-high, pricey, exorbitant prices, cost an arm and a leg, cost pretty penny, pay top dollar, pay through the nose, to rip sb off


Name 3 adjectives to describe book/movie characters

Suggested: menacing, merciful, omnipotent, preposterous, prosperous, rebellious, ruthless, unwavering, vague, vicious 


Give at least one synonym to: 1) breathe, 2) walk, 3) eat, 4) drink, 5) look

1) gasp, puff and pant, sigh  2) stride, pace, trot  3) devour, gobble, nibble  4) slurp, guzzle, sip  5) glance, pierce with your eyes, stare


Give 5 words/phrases connected to ONLINE SHOPPING

Suggested: add to cart, check out, create a wish list, earn loyalty credit, enter promo code, flash deals, free shipping, freebies, order tracking, out of stock, place order, promotion, submit


Give 5 types of financial crime

Suggested: scam, fraud, embezzlement, forgery, lottery scam, money laundering, phishing, creative accounting, corruption, counterfeit goods, tax evasion, Ponzi/pyramid scheme


Give 3 words/phrases to talk about MAKING DIFFERENCE IN SOCIETY

Suggested: advocate for, break the glass ceiling, contribute to, defy stereotypes, stand up for one's beliefs, stand up to/against


What words/phrases mean: 1) profane talk, the act of showing disrespect to God; 2) to attempt to ignore, avoid dealing with; 3) to share some information or news (to other people)?

1) blasphemy, 2) skirt the issue, 3) spread the word


Give 4 relationship idioms

Suggested: be at odds with someone, hate someone’s guts, be on the rocks, have bad blood for someone, be like two peas in the pod, be on the same wavelength, bury the hatchet, clear the air, get on like a house on fire, see eye to eye with someone
through thick and thin