What is operant conditioning?
Skinner’s theory that behavior is shaped by rewards and punishments
Who is Pavlov?
Russian scientist whose work laid the foundation for behaviorism.
What is extinction?
The term for weakening a response when reinforcement is removed.
What is psychoanalysis?
Freud’s theory, which emphasizes hidden mental processes.
What is the stimulus-response model?
This model of learning, developed by Skinner, focuses on changing behavior through rewards and punishments, emphasizing observable actions.
What is Skinners box?
The enclosed environment Skinner used to study animal behavior.
What is environment?
Core belief in behaviorism that behavior is learned from this.
What is bell experiment?
Neutral item Pavlov used to condition salivation in dogs.
What is unconscious?
Skinner’s focus on actions rather than this internal aspect.
What is programmed learning?
Skinner’s behaviorism emphasizes using rewards to increase desirable behaviors, especially in classroom management. This specific method helps improve student outcomes.
What is behavior?
Skinner's preferred focus in psychology, opposing Freud's inner mind focus.
What is antimentalism?
The opposite of mentalism in behaviorism.
What is associative?
Learning type demonstrated by associating a stimulus with a response.
What is behavior?
Behaviorism’s focus on what can be observed and measured.
What is experimental psychology?
Skinner’s focus on observable behaviors and measurable actions has influenced this broader field of psychology, encouraging experimental and data-driven approaches.
What is observation?
Skinner's method emphasizing visible, measurable actions.
What is reward?
One of the two primary tools in operant conditioning.
What is physiology?
Pavlov's field of study for his conditioning experiments.
What is unconscious?
Freud’s primary area of focus in the human mind.
What is extinction in conditioning?
Extinction happens when a learned response fades away.
What is control?
The primary goal of Skinner’s work in correcting behavior.
What is behaviorism?
The theory founded by John Watson that emphasizes behavior over mental processes.
What is an unconditioned response?
The natural, unlearned reaction to a stimulus in classical conditioning.
What is experimentation?
Skinner's belief that behavior should be studied based on this scientific method, rather than subjective interpretations.
What is variable reinforcement?
This type of reinforcement, involves providing rewards at unpredictable intervals, which is especially effective in keeping behaviors consistent over time.