What new friend does Jay meet in the Philippines who helps him find investigate Jun's death?
His Dad doesn't like to talk or communicate about feelings.
Temperature! Too much A.C. or too hot
People in need--asking for money
Everyone looks Filipino
Scent is familiar from past trips
What clue leads Jay to decide to go to the Philippines and investigate?
Mysterious message from someone claiming to know Jun.
Who tells Jay that Jun has died?
His father
Jay's best friend back home who he doesn't really feel he can share feelings with?
What can we infer Jay is feeling about not responding to Jun's letters? (internal conflict)
How would you describe the mood/atmosphere at Tito Maning's house during dinner?
What mysterious thing happens on Jay's first night at Tito Maning's?
Someone takes his letters
He gets angry and kicks Jay out of his house
What conflict in the Philippines do many Filipino citizens see differently than outsiders?
President Duterte's drug war
How is Tita Chato's home different from Tito Maning's? More than 1 correct answer.
What does Jay find in Tito Maning's office?
List of suspected drug users with Jun's name on it
Where did Jun go when he left Tita Chato's and why?
Reyna, help her, falls in love...
Character who was looking out for Jun and trying to protect him even though they disagreed on many issues.
Tito Maning
What is Jay often accused of during his visit to the Philippines? More than 1 correct answer
Place that both Jun and Jay notice is different than they expected.
That Jun was not using or selling drugs
He finds her on social media and looks at her site
Character who first warns Jay to be careful about forming opinions about issues in a country where he does not live?
His Mom
What issue/conflict does Jay have to make peace with about his cousin, Jun?
People can be both good and bad/flawed/no one is just one thing...
Where did they hold the memorial for Jun?
Lolo and Lala's house
What's one mystery Jay might not ever be able to solve about his cousin Jun?
Why he was using
What does Tito Maning do at Jun's memorial that might seem surprising?
Joins Tita Ami, helps her light candle, nods to Jay...