1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade

What does Culturally Responsive Teaching look like in a Kinder class?

What is During Culturally Responsive Teaching, educators connect children’s culture, experiences, and language into what they are learning in the classroom.


Cultural Celebrations This Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1st and 2nd honors loved ones who have passed away and features colorful altars and sugar skills.

What is Dia De Los Muertos?


Why should we use “Culturally Responsive Teaching” in second grade?

Because students in this grade begin to form their identity and CRT helps them build a foundation of respect and acceptance, fostering a sense of belonging that helps them achieve academic and social success. It also helps them reduce biases and stereotypes from this age.


What can happen if you introduce culturally responsive teaching in the 3rd grade?

You can create a sense of community amongst peers.


 Give an example of CRT in Kindergarten.

What is An example of CRT that I have experienced is having students create their own wax museum. During the months of Sep-Oct they are allowed to pick a hispanic figure of their choice seeing as though it is hispanic heritage month. The students are encouraged to dress up and are expected to share a couple of facts about the person they have picked to represent.


Multilingual Communication This practice has students use both English and Spanish to express the thoughts by helping them build literacy in two languages. 

What is Translanguaging?


How can a cultural environment be created in the second grade classroom that has good compatibility?

It can be created by representing the different cultures of the students in the books, posters, activities and examples used in class, adapting the lessons to the interests and life experiences of the students.


Can more serious cultural topics and history lessons be introduced into this age group like the civil rights movement and slavery?

Yes, for most schools this is the first grade where serious cultural topics are introduced but it is important to express caution on certain themes when doing so.


What is one good way to activate CRT in Kinder?

What is One good way to ensure CRT is occurring in your classroom is through productive struggle. According to, “ Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain” by Zaretta Hammond, productive struggle is having the strategies and mental capacity to work through difficult tasks.


In a lot of Lantinx families this special meal brings everyone together on weekends, holidays and celebrations. Featuring tortillas, rice, frijoles and share community as well as other traditional dishes.

What is a fiesta?


What materials or resources are appropriate for a culturally responsive classroom?

In second grade, books or stories about different races, cultures, and languages can be used. Games and activities that promote collaboration and mutual respect. Art materials can also be used so that students can create representations of their communities.


Which of the following topics is not a culturally appropriate topic for 3rd graders?

A. Día de los Muertos    B. Chinese New Year  

C. Civil Rights Movement  D. The Holocaust

D. The Holocaust


How can we reduce confusion in a CRT classroom in Kinder?

 What is We have to be sure to identify the dominating cultural archetype; individualism or collectivism.This will help recognize what kind of environment the students need in order to succeed.  (pg. 34)


Inviting family members into the classroom to share their stories, traditions and skills reflects this kind of approach to learning. 

What is  community and Family Engagement?


How is the success of Culturally Responsive Teaching in second grade measured?

It is measured by observing the level of participation, interaction and motivation of students in the classroom. Also if students respect and value cultural differences. Another way is making them survey students and their families to assess whether they feel represented and valued.


A 3rd grade class consists of 90% Latin-American students and 10% Asian-American students. Should the instructors' culturally responsive teaching reflect those same percentages when creating lesson plans?

No, at any grade level equal importance must be given to all students and their backgrounds regardless of the percentage of students in the school or class.


What does Culturally Responsive teaching build within kindergarteners?

What is building cultural awareness and critical thinking


This teaching strategy uses students home languages and cultural references to make learning more meaningful and accessible?

What is culturally responsive teaching?


What are the biggest challenges of implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching in second grade?

Some challenges may be the lack of resources or representative materials, the time needed to plan differentiated activities. It can also be difficult to address cultural biases or misunderstandings correctly for students that age.


In the third grade, students start to develop their socioemotional skills more and start to focus more on developing friendships, working together in groups, and developing responsibility as an individual. How does a culturally responsive classroom differ from a classroom without that teaching framework?

A classroom with a culturally responsive framework will have students getting along with each other despite their differences more than students that come from a class without this framework. Also students in culturally responsive classrooms will work better together and will look out for one another to make sure they are being responsible.