What is the inverse of cooperation?
What is a quadrat?
A random square area measured by a quadrat frame.
Provide an example of a sessile organism and a motile organism.
Any valid example. [Belinda for both cases?]
Define 'carrying capacity'.
Maximum population size that the environment can support.
What is Eric's favorite animal?
What is the maximum number of individuals in a population?
There is no maximum.
What general type of organism can quadrat sampling be used for?
Sessile organisms.
What methods are used to measure populations of sessile and motile organisms respectively?
Quadrat Sampling (Sessile)
Capture-Mark-Recapture + Lincoln Index (Motile)
Some individuals aren’t able to obtain enough of the resource, and are likely to die, reducing population size
Does David prefer lions or hyenas?
Hyenas (even though they're kinda ugly...)
Members of a population generally breed ______.
With each other/within their species/together
What is the quantity of numbers needed to determine the position of one quadrat?
In the Lincoln Index formula, what does N represent?
Lincoln Index = (M*N)/R
N = Total number of recaptured individuals.
Resources are limited in terms of...
Rate of production
Amount available
What is the population of students in this classroom?
If you searched this up on Brightspace, you lose 6 million points.
Name two types of symbiotic relationships between species.
Mutualism, parasitism, commensalism, amensalism, etc.
What is a sampling error?
Difference between estimations from sampling and the actual population.
Using the Lincoln Index, estimate the population size of hyenas when;
50 individuals were marked initially
120 individuals were recaptured
10 recaptured individuals have marks
600 hyenas.
Name a limited resource that plants compete for, other than oxygen, light, or water.
Soil nitrogen.
What did one cactus say to the other?
"Looking sharp!"
Suggest a cooperative interaction between organisms to obtain food.
Intraspecific: Ants
Interspecific: Coyotes and badgers
Any valid examples.
What might a randomly generated number be used for in quadrat sampling?
Determine the distance along the measuring tape/away from the measuring tape.
No migration into or out of population
No births or deaths
Marked individuals mix back into the population with the same chance of being captured as unmarked ones
Marks remain visible
Marks don’t increase chance of predation or other threats to survival
Name 3 density-dependent factors and one density-independent factor for ANIMALS.
Dependent: Pathogens/illness/parasites, predation, competition
Independent: Natural disasters
Suggest a reason why dogs are better than cats.
Ha! You got tricked! There are no valid reasons! We played a joke on you! Everyone, laugh evilly!