If you have a question about if a reimbursement would qualify, you should post here.
You can integrate this tool into Slack so that your status matches with what you are up to and you don’t have to manually update it.
Google Calendar
In Slack, you think you are in the right channel, but aren’t entirely sure, where should you look?
Look at the description of the channel at the top of the page
You have an open bug ticket and you would like to get an update because it has not been resolved, you should do this next.
Post a comment in the bug ticket.
You want to get involved with improving inclusion at Klaviyo so you should go to this channel.
You have a lot to remember today. What shortcut can help you today?
Use the /remind shortcut
In Slack, you notice that a discussion on a channel is getting longer and longer and you are about to chime in, you should do this before you respond.
Start a thread!
In Slack, you will receive messages from this program to connect you with other Klaviyos!
This is where you post a product question you are stuck on.
You are having trouble finding focus time during your day, this Slack integration might help!
You have a large announcement that you are responsible for sharing with Klaviyo, you should do these two things.
Post in the appropriate Slack channel and also send an email to make sure the information is seen.
In Okta, this is the tool you would use to submit an IT ticket.
Fresh Service
If you want to provide feedback for articles in the Help Center, go here.
You are a part of a ton of Slack channels and it is becoming a bit much, this organizational tip might help.
Bundle Slack channels into sections
This is the difference between @channel and @here.
The @here command sends a notification to team members in a channel who are currently active.
The @channel command, on the other hand, will send a notification to everyone in that channel, regardless of whether or not they are currently signed in and active.
You can post here if you got a new phone and are locked out of your Klaviyo account.
Through the 15Fives integration, this is where you can offer up thanks or give a shoutout to someone.
This is a two-parter, you don’t want to be disturbed by Slack right now because you are in an interview. You also are getting a ton of notifications in a particular channel, you can do these two things to help.
Pause notifications and mute a channel
This is the #1 rule for Slack at Klaviyo.
Use @here and @channel extremely sparingly.
You missed a By the Numbers and you want to know what was covered, what should you do?
You can watch past BTNs in WB, they are all recorded!