Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5

How many main stages are there when children acquire syntax?

3 stages


Which theories proposed that children are born with innate linguistic knowledge during language acquisition?

Theories of Universal Grammar


What term describes the acquisition of two languages simultaneously from infancy?

Simultaneous bilingualism


What’s the name of the experiment used for demonstrating how newborns respond to phonetic contrast?

Sucking rate experiment


What is the term used to describe the hypothesis that second language acquisition is different from first language acquisition?

Fundamental Difference Hypothesis


Why do children often forget inflectional morphemes like (s/es) when pronouncing?

Because when children forget to add the -s, that word can still be pronounced.


Which stage of language acquisition that children produce word in the correct order of their language?

Telegraphic stage


What strategy can caregivers use to provide consistent language input to support bilingual language development?

'One person-one language'


What is the most common first word of children?



What is interlanguage and how does it relate to Second language acquisition?

Interlanguage is the dynamic system that evolves with a language learners progression that combines elements from a learners native language & L2 language.


Can you describe the problems children may encounter when acquiring pragmatics?

(1) Problems with the shifting reference of these pronouns (between “I” and “you”) 

(2) Problems with the context-dependent nature of deictic words ⇒ Children often assume the hearer knows who they are talking about


Why are usage-based theories not sufficient enough to prove children acquire language through exposure to linguistic input and experience?

Imitation, analogy and corrective feedback or even reinforcement cannot account for this since firstly, language acquisition is beyond imitation as children repeat the linguistic form, not the utterance they heard. Next, analogy can invoke errors, and those errors are revealed to be ignored by parents since they pay attention to the content and truth value of the message.


What is the main challenge that children may face when being bilingual or multilingual? And the solution for this issue.

Challenge: the child may confuse or have difficulties in separating the two languages.

- Solution: parents(or caregivers) should stop raising their children bilingually.

(All related answers are accepted)


What’s the differences between Prosodic bootstrapping and Syntactic bootstrapping?

Prosodic bootstrapping: Using stress syllables to determine words in a fluent speech.

Syntactic bootstrapping: Using knowledge about syntactic categories to determine word meaning. 


How do the stages of language acquisition in second language learners compare to those of children acquiring their first language, particularly in terms of grammatical structures and word order?

Second language learners go through stages of language acquisition similar to children, attempting to uncover the grammar of the target language. However, their progression may differ, and they may not reach native-like proficiency in aspects such as word order and grammatical structures.