"Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour / Draws on apace" (I.i, 1-2).
"I swear to thee, by Cupid's Strongest bow" (I.i, 169)
If your quote is two to three lines explain the correct format to quote it.
You separate each line with a slash (with a space before and after the slash) and enclose the entire quotation in quotation marks.
Four days will quickly steep themselves in night;
Four nights will quickly dream away the time [...].
Four days will go by quickly.
Who says this?
"O, teach me how you look and with what art/ You sway the motion of Demetrius' heart" (I.i, 191-192).
"[...] I beg the ancient privilege of Athens: / As she is mine, I may dispose of her [...]" (I.i, 41-42).
"And then the moon, like to a silver bow / New bent in heaven[...]" (I.i, 9-10).
What's wrong with this citation? Fix it...
"answer as I call you. Nick Bottom, the weaver." (I.ii, 14).
"Answer as I call you. Nick Bottom, the weaver" (I.ii, 14).
Hippolyta, I wooed thee with my sword [...]
I will wed thee in another key.
Theseus won Hippolyta during battle/war but he will marry her with love.
Explain the dynamic of the lovers
-Helena, Hermia, Demetrius, and Lysander
Helena loves Demetrius
Demetrius loves Hermia
Hermia loves Lysander
Lysander loves Hermia
"[...] and for this intelligence / If I have thanks, it is a dear expense" (I.i, 248-249)
"The jaws of darkness do devour it up" (I.i, 148).
Explain how to quote a line that is longer than three lines
Use block quoting:
Lines should be indented one inch and single-spaced, with no quotation marks, ending with citation in the correct form (act.scene, line)
Either to die the death or to abjure
Forever the society of men.
Therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires,
Know of your youth, examine well your blood [...].
Theseus is telling Hermia if she won't marry Demetrius then her options are to die or to become a nun. He tells her to question what she wants, keeping in mind how young she is and who she is.
Find Hermia's speech in Act 1, Scene 1, lines 169-171. Write it out using the correct citation format and cite it correctly.
"I swear to thee, by Cupid's strongest bow, /
By his best arrow with the golden head, /
By the simplicity of Venus' doves, [...]. (I,ii, 169-171)
"I give him curses, yet he gives me love" (I.i, 196)
"Your eyes are lodestars, and your tongue's sweet air / More tunable than lark to shepherd's ear [...] (I,i, 183-184)
What's wrong with this quote/citation? Act like you are quoting on a paper. Explain how you would fix it...
"Take comfort. He no more shall see my face. Lysander and myself will fly this place. Before the time I did Lysander see Seemed Athens as a paradise to me" (act 1 scene 1 lines 203-208).
Should be using block quoting because it is 5 lines long. Citation should look like (I.i, 203-208).
I will go tell him of fair Hermia's flight.
Then to the woods will he tomorrow night
Pursue her; and for this intelligence
If I have thanks, it is a dear expense.
Helena will tell Demetrius about Lysander and Hermia's plan in hopes that Demetrius will give her thanks.
Who says this and to whom?
"I am beloved of beauteous Hermia. / Why should not I then prosecute my right" (I.i. 104-105)?
Lysander is saying this to Theseus
"[...] The most lamentable comedy and most / cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe" (I.ii, 9-10).
"The most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisby"
Explain what "[...]" is and what is used for when quoting. Pull out your book and give an example of how you would use this in Act one.
An ellipse in brackets is used to indicate that you are leaving words out of a line when quoting.
*use it correctly*
You can play no part but Pyramus; for Pyramus is a
sweet-faced man, a proper man as one shall see [...]
Therefore you must needs play Pyramus.
Quince is trying to convince Bottom to play Pyramus and only Pyramus by telling him Pyramus needs to be played by someone handsome like him.
Explain what we do and don't know about the "lore" or the "beef" behind Helena's relationship with Demetrius and Hermia.
Helena and Demetrius were "together" before Demetrius fell for Hermia. Hermia and Helena are friends.
What made Demetrius change sides? Did Hermia have anything to do with it? Is Helena made at Hermia because of it?