Which Prophet was named by Allah?
What is "Yehya" (AS)
Who ordered the first compilation of the Quran?
What is "Uthman ibn Affan"
Which prophet gave us the name "Muslim"
What is "Prophet Ibrahim (AS)"
Of the miracles of the Prophet (AS), list 3.
What is "Quran, splitting the moon, clouds shading as he walked, perspiration smelling like musk, dust covering eyes of enemies, animals making more milk, stones and trees making salam to him, water gushing from his fingers etc..."
Who are the names of the two angels that will question you in the grave?
What is "Munkar and Nakeer"
Which prophet's father, grandfather and great-grandfather also prophets?
What is "Yusuf (AS)"
Which woman is mentioned by name in the Qur'an?
What is "Maryam (AS)"
What were the tyrants of Thamud famous for?
What is "carving buildings out of rocks"
What was the name of Khadija (RA)'s cousin who was a priest?
What is "Waraqah"
What is the gate of Jannah called for the one who fasts?
What is "baab al Rayyan"
Which prophet did Adam (AS) give 40 years of his to?
What is "Dawood (AS)"
Which companion is mentioned by name in the Quran?
What is "Zaid (R)"
Which surah in the Qur'an is named after an Israelite Prophet who was sent to Iraq about 800 BC for the guidance of the Assyrians
What is "Yunus (AS)"
During the battle of Khandaq, what are the three regions the Prophet (AS) was told the Muslims would conquer?
What is "Bilad Al Sham, Perisa and Yemen"
How long is the Day of Judgement?
What is "50,000" years
Who was the grandfather of Isa (AS)?
What is "Imran"
How many times is the name Muhammad mentioned in the Quran?
What is "four" times
What are the names of the four Scholars of Islam?
What is " As-Shafe'e, Abu Haneefah, Malik and Hambal"
What does the name "Muhammad" mean?
What is "the most praised"
Which surah in the Qur'an contains the first ayah that was revealed where Muslims are commanded to bow down in sujud and both muslim and non-muslim prostrated.
What is "surah Al Najm"
What is the name of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)'s father?
What is "Aazar"
Which Surah of the Qur'an has 2 bismillahs?
What is "surah al Naml"
Which leader of the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople at the age of 21?
What is "Mehmed Al Fatih"
What is "Qaswa"
What is "Kiraaman Kaatibeen"