Indirect Request
Polite Requests

It's so warm in here. It would be more comfortable if the windows were opened. 

What is the indirect request?

Open the windows


Janet had a cold. She blew her nose every two minutes. Bobby asked the class, “Is  there an elephant in here?” 

She is so loud she sounds like an elephant


 well, sighed Jimmy, I forgot my homework. I guess it is time to tell my teacher and face the music. 

face the consequences 

Is it cold in here, or is it just me?

What message is the speaker trying to convey?

They want them to adjust the temperature because they are cold. 

Those muffins sure smell good. All I had for breakfast this morning was orange juice and a vitamin. I didn't realize I'd be so hungry. 

What is the speaker trying to convey?

They want a muffin.


Janey, Bobby, and Marco were playing four square. Marco accidently ran into Janet, and she began to cry. "Well aren't you a champ!" he said.

You were clumsy and hurt Janet. 


Sheldon heard from his sister that his mom was planning a surprise birthday party for him tomorrow. When he asked his mom about it, she said "who let the cat out of the bag?"

Who let the secret out


You know, Dad, if I had a bigger allowance I could sharpen my money-management skills.

What message is the speaker trying to convey?

Receive a bigger allowance

It's such a hot day. I would love to go to the beach. If only my car wasn't in the repair shop. You're lucky you don't have any problems with your car. 

What message is the speaker trying to convey?

They want a ride to the beach


Katie was talking with her boyfriend on the phone, and they were obviously fighting about something. Bobby turned to Marco and asked, "could she be any louder?"

She is so loud!!


Joey and Madison both guessed the correct number of Jelly beans in the teacher's jar. Mrs. Philips said, great minds think alike.

both are intelligent because they thought the same thing


Is the children's zoo in this direction?

What is the speaker requesting?

They want to go to the children's zoo


Gosh, that is a really big piece of chocolate cake you're eating. It looks delicious. I hardly ever get a chance to eat really good chocolate cake. 

What message is the speaker trying to convey?

He wants some of the chocolate cake. 


It rained on the day of the marathon, and Katie was really disappointed. She remarked, "Great weather we're having, to her best friend Lisa. 

It is raining and she is upset because now she can't run her marathon. 


Chloe found it hard to keep a straight face when her brother kept making funny faces at her from across the room. 

stay serious, not laugh


You know, Grandma, all of my friends are getting new dresses for the prom. Mom says we can't afford a dress right now because we have to pay for the new car. I guess I'll have to look like a dork in my old blue dress. Maybe I won't even go! 

What message is the speaker trying to convey?

They want a new dress and maybe Grandma can pay for it. 

Everybody knew Joey cheated on his math test, but he still waved around his latest A+. "You sure are good at math," Bobby said as he rolled his eyes. 

He isn't actually good- he only got a good grade because he cheated. 


Tiffany worked against the clock to finish her art project in time for the art fair at school. 

trying to do something in a limited time