Urban Wellbeing

What is SCOPH Vision ?

Medical Students attain the optimal skills and knowledge to contribute to their full potential towards the making of healthier communities in their capacity as medical students and as future healthcare providers


4. What is a major environmental challenge for urban wellbeing?

A. Too many parks

B. Climate change and air pollution

C. Free public transportation

D. Low population density

Correct Answer: B


What is the definition of health?

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.


Definition of health?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


How many times has SCOPH name changed?

3 times

SCOSH at 1952
SCOH at 1963
SCOPH at 1983


2. Which of the following can improve urban wellbeing?

A. Walkable streets and green spaces

B. Limited access to public services

C. Overcrowded cities

D. High levels of air pollution

Correct Answer: A


What is the primary goal of integrating mental health into primary healthcare? 

A) To reduce healthcare costs

B) To improve overall health outcomes

C) To increase the number of specialists

D) To eliminate mental health services

The answer is B


 How can cities promote mental wellbeing?

A. Increasing green spaces and community activities

B. Reducing public transportation

C. Removing social services

Answer is A


Mention 2 of SCOPH Objectives

Disease prevention within our society.

Health promotion and education within our society.

Raising awareness about global public health issues within medical students and our society.

Advocating for health policies as the voice of worldwide medical students.

Developing skills and knowledge of medical students as the future health professionals.

Working as an international team and collaborating with external public health organizations to use the potential of over one million worldwide medical students.

Collaborate with other fields as medical education, human rights, and reproductive health.


1. What is urban wellbeing?

A. The health and happiness of people living in cities

B. The design of buildings in urban areas

C. The number of parks in a city

D. The amount of traffic in cities

Correct Answer: A


Why we should integrate MH into PHC

-Better access to care

-better health outcomes

-maintained social integration


Which professionals are typically involved in integrated mental health care? 

A) Only psychiatrists

B) Primary care physicians and mental health specialists

C) Social workers exclusively

D) Medical assistants only

Answer is B