A number that is divisible by both 2 and 3
What is 6?
This fraction that is equivalent to ½
What is 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, etc.
Convert 25% to a decimal
What is 0.25?
2.5 + 1.75
What is 4.25?
Convert ¾ to a percent
What is 75%
To be divisible by 3, a number's digits must add up to a number divisible by this
What is 3?
Reduce 8/12 to lowest terms
What is 2/3?
Convert 0.62 to a percent
What is 62%?
1¼ + 2½
What is 3 ¾?
Express 0.125 as a fraction
What is ⅛?
A number is divisible by 6 if it's divisible by these two numbers
What are 2 and 3?
Convert 2⅓ to an improper fraction
What is 7/3?
What percent is equal to the decimal 1.5?
What is 150%?
3.25 × 2
What is 6.5?
What is 40% of 80?
What is 32?
To be divisible by 8, a number's last three digits must be divisible by this number
What is 8?
Add these fractions! Make sure they are in lowest terms!
⅔ + ¾
What is 1 5/12?
Express 87.5% as a decimal and a fraction
What is 0.875 and ⅞?
4.2 ÷ 0.6
What is 7?
Find 15% of 240
What is 36?
What is the divisibility rule for 8?
What is if the last three digits of a number are divisible by 8, then the entire number is divisible by 8.
2 1/4 - 1/6
What is 2 1/12?
Express 5/15 as a decimal and a percent
What is 0.3 repeating and 33%?
(2.5 × 0.4) + (1.75 × 2)
What is 4.5?
Express 5¾ as a decimal and percent
What is 5.75 and 575%?