Who Are You (Who Who, Who Who)?
Odd Old Man's Out EX
Ukulele Music, Stare Camera, Deep Sigh
Key to my heart
Random Page Escapades EX

Name one of the human Zul-Andra inhabitants.

Who are Zul-Aniel, Zul-Areth, or Zul-Onan?


Pith helmet, Nunchaku, Katana, Dual Sai, Robin Hood Hat.

What is Katana? [Hard clue uniques]


In 2025, widespread controversy and criticism was sent out to Jagex after this was "leaked", exposing videos and images about MTX, Ads, and more.

What is The Survey/Monetization Survey?


This is what the player always receives when opening a crystal chest.

What is uncut dragonstone?


This is the location where you can find ancient zygomites.

What is Fossil Island?


Name one of Awowogei's advisors.

Who are Muruwoi or Uwogo?


Ogre Coffin, Hallowed Sepulchre Coffin, Average Dorgesh-Kaan Chest, Wealthy Citizen, Bronze Chest Red.

What is Bronze Chest Red? [Ways to thieve an Easy Clue]


This NPC, released in Falador Park May 1 2014, was only in the game for a week due to the massive criticism that lead to scandals revolving streamers and JMods.

Who is Erin/Erin the Duck?


Wouldn't it be great if there was a keyring that let you store all these keys...Oh wait there is! I just need to do this quest!

What is One small favor?


This is the minimum smithing level needed for a shayzien supply crate to be made when it was in the game.

What is 53?


Name one of the privates at Barbarian Outpost.

Who are Paldo, Paldon, Pendron, or Pierreb?


Gatekeeper, Lunderwin, Blaec, Elnock, Irksol.

Who is Elnock? [NPCs inside main Zanaris]


This is the name of the bar in Lumbridge that came out with X Marks the Spot which provoked controversy to players because of its change to Lumbridge's buildings.

What is The Sheared Ram?


The key obtained from pickpocketing a H.A.M storeroom gaurd could be made out of these 4 metals.

What are Bronze, iron, silver, steel?


This is what the ogre artifact from Corsair Curse turned out to be.

What is a toothpick?


Name one of Mawnis Burrowgar's guards.

Who are Trogen Konungarde, Fridleif Shieldson, Thakkrad Sigmundson, or Kjedelig Uppsen?


Bones to bananas, Bones to peaches, Varrock teleport, Enchant diamond, Enchant sapphire.

What is Bones to peaches? [Teak Demon Lectern tablets]


In 2015, a controversial update to a drop made it that only one of it can be dropped at a time. This made hoarders obscenely rich and over 9 million of it were traded on update. This was changed years later. Name the item.

What is Zul-Andra teleport?


All these red tokens and all I got from this key was an uncut red topaz.

What is A nice key?


This is what the "Hide Penetration" combat achievement requires you to do.

What is Kill KBD with a stab weapon?


Name one of the named dwarves from Mistrock.

Who are Overseer Khougo, Ichta, or Necto?


The Undying Light, Upcoming, Ready for the Hunt, Whispering Wing, Lost to Time.

What is Upcoming? [Music unlocked in Varlamore]


The color of this monster's coat between yellow or green was reportedly the subject of internal controversy amongst development in 2004.

What is The Shaikahan?


The enchanted key miniquest is home to this type of weapon, with there being three god-styled variations of.

What is Mjolnir?


If you want a rope bell-pull, but fancier, a player would build this inside their POH.

What is a Posh bell-pull?