Classical Conditioning Phenomena
Types of Punishment/ Reinforcement
Schedules of Reinforcement
Schedules of Reinforcement Examples
Learning from Others

This is when conditioned responses become stronger with repeated pairings of the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus pairings.

What is acquisition? 


This is when a response leads to a presentation of an event that increases the likelihood of the response occurring again.

What is positive reinforcement? 


This is a type of schedule where every response is followed rapidly by reinforcement

What is a continuous schedule of reinforcement? 


Johnny gets a cookie every tuesday if he's done his chores.

What is fixed interval?


This is learning by viewing the experiences of others

What is observational learning? 


This is when conditioned response diminishes when the conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus.

What is extinction?


This is when a response leads to a removal of an event that increases the likelihood of the response occurring again.

What is negative reinforcement?


This is when the number of responses required for reinforcement is fixed.

What is a fixed ratio schedule? 


Beth gets a prize if she pulls a lever enough times, but the number varies.

What is variable ratio?


This is the quality of observational learning, as it is biologically beneficial

What is adaptive?


This is when a conditioned response reappears suddenly with the passage of time.

What is spontaneous recovery?


This is when a response leads to a presentation of an event that decreases the likelihood of the response occurring again.

What is Positive Punishment?


This is when the number of responses required for reinforcement varies.

What is a variable-ratio schedule?


Every 5th time Dawn brushes their teeth, they are given a dollar.

What is fixed ratio?


This is the natural tendency to imitate the behavior of significant others.

What is modeling?


This is when the response to a new stimulus is similar to one produced by the conditioned stimulus.

What is stimulus generalization?


This is when a response leads to a removal of an event that decreases the likelihood of the response occurring again.

What is Negative Punishment?


This is when reinforcement is delivered for the first response after a fixed interval of time.

What is a fixed-interval schedule?


Julia is spot checked at work, and if she is doing a good job, she is given a 10 cent raise.

What is variable interval?

When children viewed an adult acting violently and hitting a doll and then were presented the doll, they were likely to do this.

What is to hit the doll?


This is when the response to a new stimulus is similar to one produced by the conditioned stimulus.

What is stimulus discrimination?


This is a stimulus that has acquired reinforcing properties through prior learning.

What is a conditioned reinforcer?


This is when reinforcement is delivered for the first response after a variable interval of time

What is a variable-interval schedule?


Every time John finishes a painting, he is given 50 dollars.

What is a continuous schedule?


This type of roll can lead to certain types of people being portrayed as submissive and weak in media, leading to that role becoming more ingrained in society.

What are gender roles?