This Pokémon has never appeared in the anime after its original airing caused seizures in Japan
Who is Porygon
In Pokémon Red and Blue this Pokémon is said to be found under a truck in Vermillion City
This was the first legendary Pokémon to show up in the Anime
who is Ho-OH
The Normal type gym leader in Hoenn
Who is Slacking
This Pokémon evolves by maxing out its beauty
Who is Feebas
This weapon caused Episode 30 of the original anime to be banned
what is a gun
This Pokemon was names PikaBlue due to being shown in a magazine before their game was released
This Pokémon was recently canceled due to its diddy like behavior being leaked
Who is Typhlosion
The electric gym leader for Hoenn
who is Magneton
As long as their is a free spot in your party and a free pokeball this evolution can be reached
Who is Shedninja
This was Ash first caught Pokémon after Pikachu
Who is Caterpie
In emerald if you talk to people in the rocket station once a day for 100 days you would be sent to space to fight this Pokémon
Who were the first three Pokémon Arceus created
who are Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina
Pauls ace in the Pokemon D&P Anime
Who is Electivire
This Pokémon has different evolutions depending on its stats
Who is Tyrogue
This NFL team was mentioned in the First Pokemon Movie
minnesota vikings
In the April 1st edition of Nintendo Power this Nintendo Mascot was said to be obtainable by evolving Dagonite with a fire stone
This Pokémon is said to be the ancestor of all Pokémon
Who is Mew
In Pokemong HG/SS the ice type gym leader rematch ace is
Who is Mamoswine
This pokemon can only be evolved in Pokemon Go
Ash's first time going to a Pokémon Center he sees an image showing the 3 legendary bird Pokémon and one other pokemon
Who is Arcanine
This urban legend is said that hundreds of Japanese children committed unalive in the 90's by listing to this OST
Lavender Town
Who is Lucario
Lance's Dragonite in HG/SS is what level?
What is level 50
As long as you have this Pokémon and a Remoraid in your party it can evolve
Who is Mantyke