One of the ways we can now the bible is true is because there are so many predictions that were fulfilled. This is also known as Fulfilled P______________?
Fulfilled prophecy
How many books are in the bible? How many in the OT? How many in the NT?
66 books in the bible
27 in NT
39 in OT
The bible is God breathed? What is the term for this?
What is a parable?
A story with a spiritual or heavenly meaning
In the parable of the builder, where did the builders build their houses?
One on a rock and one on the sand
A_____________ have found many sites and thing that have been mentioned in the bible.
what is an Epistle?
A letter
How did God inspire the writers of the Bible?
Visions, dreams, spoke to them
True or False - In the parable, the father of the two sons represented Jesus' earthly father Joseph
According to the parable what kind of person builds his house on a rock? And how do we apply that to our lives?
A wise person. Our lives should be built on Gods word
What site discovery did archaeologists recently find buried 40 feet under the sand? John had described this to be located near the pool of Bethesda
Five porches
What is the break down of the OT?
5 Law
12 History
5 poetry
5 major prophets
12 minor prophets
How many different human authors of the bible are there?
What is a hypocrite?
Someone who pretends to be someone or something they are not
I showed and imagine of nice houses on the beach. What did the people do to try and protect their houses, how much did they spend and how long did it last?
They spent 500,000 dollars to build a sand barrier and it lasted only 3 days.
We have copies of scripture written on ancient paper. What was this ancient paper called?
What is the break down of the NT?
4 Gospel
1 History
13 Pauline Epistles
8 Other Epistles
1 Prophecy
Which continents was the bible written on?
Asia, Europe and Africa
What did Son 1 do in this parable and who did he represent?
Son one said no to his father. He then felt bad and went and worked in the vineyard. Son one represents sinners
Jesus told this parable after he finished preaching a sermon? What was that sermon known as?
The sermon on the Mount
We only have 5 copies of everything the famous philosopher Aristotle ever wrote. However we have over 24,000 ancient copies of the ____________ alone
New Testament
There were _________ years of silence between the OT and the NT
400 years
What languages was the bible written in
Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic
Who was Jesus speaking to when He told the parable of the two sons?
The religious leaders
Name at least two topics Jesus preached on during the sermon on the mount
Life the stand out for Christ, Dangers of anger, Love your enemies, How tow to Pray, Thinking right about money, How not to worry, How to recognize false teachers