How many years can Otters live up to?
16 years
How many books did Michelle Schusterman write?
Over a dozen
How many yards do dachshund dogs race?
25 to 50 yards
How many yards do dachshund dogs run?
25-50 yards
Groups of otters can be referred to as...
a bevy, family, lodge or romp
How many series has Michelle Shusterman written?
3 whole series
Dachshund dogs are commonly known by the short name...
When was the sport introduced to Canada?
Canada in 2018
What types of mammals are otters?
Otters are carnivorous mammals
What book and when did she write her first book?
"I HEART BAND" and in 2014
What type of body does dachshund dogs have?
short-legged, long-bodied
Where and when was the first dachshund racing held?
Australia in the 1970s
Their diet mainly consist of...
fish and sometimes frogs, birds or shellfish
What year was "My Otter Half" written in?
Dachshund dog are also known as...
the wiener dog or sausage dog, badger dog and doxie
What was the record for the most number of dachshunds in one place outside of a dog show?
154 dachshunds
The 13 extant otter species are all...
semiaquatic, aquatic or marine
She’s also the co-author of the...
Secrets of Topsea
What are the 3 dachshund coat varieties?
smooth coat (short hair), long-haired, and wire-haired
On which day was the second Werriwa Wiener Dash held?
On 29 January 2017