Don't go breaking this!
Don't go breaking this 2
I can see clearly now
If I only had one of these
Take a deep breath

The body depends on this to get oxygen and nutrients, and  carry away the wastes.

What is the heart?


these are red; these are purplish/ bluish color

What are arteries and veins?


the white part of the eye is called this

what is the sclera?


the protective membrane of the brain

what is the meninges?


air begins its travel down this.

what is the trachea?


blood that has been depleted of oxygen enters the heart through this.

what is the vena cava?

Our heart is made up of these many chambers; name them.

What is 2 chambers- atriums and ventricles 

right atrium right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle. 


when an image hits this, it is turned upside down.

what is the retina?


the front part of the brain that deals with thought processes and memory.

what is the cerebrum?


there are two of these leading from the windpipe into the lungs.

what are bronchi (bronchus singular)?


Blood enters the heart through this.

what is the right atrium?


the right side has 3 of me, the left has 2- these allow blood to flow one way from atrium to ventricle.

what is the tricuspid from right atrium to ventricle; and the bicuspid from the left atrium to the right ventricle


these help you see colors; these help you see grays, black, and white and in dim light 

what is the cones and rods


this part of the brain helps with balance and motor skills

what is the cerebellum?


this lung has 3 lobes; this one 2- name all of them.

right lung lobes- superior, middle, inferior 

left lung lobes- superior, inferior


This takes blood from the heart to the body through this.

what is the aorta?


one of these is normally red due to oxygenated blood in it, however, this one is a blueish color due to its deoxygenated blood in it.

what is the pulmonary artery?


if there is damage to this, you would not be able to see.

what is the optic nerve?


this is the pathway between the two parts of the brain. 

what is the pons?


this is the term for breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide.

what is ventilation?


This is normally purplish in color due to deoxygenated blood, but in the heart, this part is red due to the new oxygenated blood.

what is the pulmonary vein?


the sound of our hear beating is due to this

what is the opening and closing of valves?


this has muscles on it to contract and dilate allowing light to come in less or more.

what is the iris?


if this is severed or damaged, all your functions would cease to work.

what is the brain stem?


this is the name of the air sacs in your lungs

what is alveoli?