What is the bar above doorways that often feature detailed carvings?
What is lintel?
What does the centralized plan of Tenochtitlan symbolize?
What is axis mundi?
What animal is the city of Cusco shaped like?
What is a puma?
Which piece demonstrates trade between indigenous peoples and Europeans?
What is the bandolier bag?
What does the Kwakwaka’wakw transformation mask reveal when opened?
What is a human face?
What is the name of the masonry found in most South American structures?
What is ashlar?
Which goddess is featured on a sacrificial stone at Templo Mayor?
Who is Coyolxauhqui?
What shape are most South American doorways?
What part of the process makes Maria Martinez’s ollas unique?
What is no kiln?
What social quality is often associated with grand or nice clothing/costumes?
What is wealth/status?
What is the false roof called on some Mayan temples?
What is roof-comb?
What piece from the image set shows the Mexica’s respect for history?
What is the olmec-style mask?
What commonly housed Ancestral Puebloan peoples in the Southwestern United States?
What is a cliffside?
What four animals do the Kwakwaka’wakw peoples use as clan symbols?
What is killer whale, eagle, raven, and wolf?
What piece prioritizes organic and geometric forms, with a balance of positive and negative space?
What is the bandolier bag?
What geometric motifs are commonly featured in Chavin culture?
What is swirling/snake-like?
What is the most likely correct explanation for the “calendar” stone?
What are sacrificial purposes?
What did the Kwakwaka’wakw peoples live in?
What are wooden longhouses?
What earthwork from the image set affirms the symbolic importance of snakes/reptiles?
What is the Great Serpent Mound?
What common shapes do the Kwakwaka’wakw masks use?
What are calligraphic, ovoid, s- and u- forms?
What do the structures lack that makes the temples in Chavin a revelatory/intense experience for viewers?
What are windows?
What Mexica piece is the center of a centuries-long conflict of ownership?
What is the feathered headdress?
The city of Cusco functioned as a mini map of the Inka empire, divided into quarters. What else does this most likely symbolize?
What is axis mundi?
What artistic movement are Maria Martinez’s ollas influenced by?
What is the Art Deco movement?
What are the two types of thread Inkan textiles were made of?
What are camelid fibers and cotton?