Test Taking Strategies
Seen in the Questions, 1
Seen in the Questions, 2
Using Scratch Paper
Literary Terms

What you do when you know certain answers are incorrect.

What is eliminating wrong answers?


You are being asked to explain what a text is mostly about without giving your opinion.

What is summarize?


An academic way to say ‘show’ or ‘mean’ as in what does the evidence ______?

What is illustrate?


When you are breaking down the Performance Task prompt, you should write this on your scratch paper.

What is a Do - What chart?

A story.

What is a narrative?


When you do this before reading the text, you know what to look for while you read.

What is preview the questions?


When the answer is not found directly in the text you use the text and your knowledge to make a prediction.

What does it mean to infer or make an inference?


How an author has arranged the text.

What is structure?


Doing this while you read the text helps you to stay focused on the text and make sure you are understanding what you read.

What is note taking?


The events in a narrative.

What is plot?


Doing this while you read the texts will help you stay focused and answer the questions correctly.

What is taking notes about the key details?


The author’s main point is known as this in informational text or that in argumentative text.

What is central idea or central claim?


How the author sees something; you always infer it because it is not stated directly.

What is Author’s Point of View or Perspective?


Writing these down on my scratch paper BEFORE I read the text will help me know what to look for while I read.

What are key words or details from the questions?

The problem in the story.

What is conflict?


Strong readers use them to figure out the meaning of unknown words.

What are context clues?


You need to copy information directly from the text, put it in quotation marks, and cite your source.

What is ‘use key details from the text’ and 'use key evidence from the text'?


Why the author makes certain choices in their writing; you always infer it because it is not stated directly.

What is Author’s Purpose?


I should be writing down information that will help me write the essay. 

What kind of notes should I take when reading text for the performance task?


When and where a story takes place.

What is setting?


A before reading strategy when you read the title, first and last paragraphs, plus any subheadings AND jot down the reading topic and what you know about it.

What is connecting to the text and activating prior knowledge?


This is asking you to infer the answer in a fancier way.

What is the conclusion that you can draw from this evidence?


Argument, Explanatory, or Narrative

What are the three types of essays you may be asked to write in a Performance Task?


You can NEVER take the scratch paper notes out of the testing room. 

When can you take your scratch paper notes out of the testing room?


It is when two or more characters are talking; I should put it in quotation marks.

What is dialogue?