Elements of Plot
Figurative Language
The Basics

What are the 6 elements of plot in order? 

Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution


Provide an example of a simile. 

Answers will vary.


What is an inference? 

Possible answers: an educated guess, a guess or prediction based on knowledge from a text and/or previous knowledge

True or false A narrative can be written in 1st or 3rd person 



Describe “theme” in your own words. 

Possible Response: lesson the author wants you to learn, life lesson, moral, message, big picture


In your own words, define climax

Climax is the turning point of the story. The point of the story where everything shifts. 


List 3 types of figurative language. 

Answers will vary.


What can we infer from the following passage? 

Jiggy came out of the vet with a collar around his neck. He was given meds, and his owners were told to watch him as he plays around the house. 

Possible answers: Jiggy is an animal, Jiggy is sick or has an injury, Jiggy just had surgery


When adding quotations to dialogue does the punctuation mark go inside or outside the quotation marks? 



Which of the following would be an example of theme: 

A) Happiness 

B) Roger stole Ms. Jones’s purse. 

C) You never know what you have until it’s gone.

D) Love 

C) You never know what you have until it’s gone. 


The element of plot is used for what type of writing? 

Narrative writing 


Define personification and give me an example 

Answers will vary. 


If someone gets a signature on the Conduct Log we can infer ________.

Answers will vary.


True or False: All narratives typically have a plot, theme, characters, dialogue, and conflict. 



True or False: Theme is always clearly stated in a narrative and should include the names of the characters in the story. 

False; theme is NOT stated in the text & is the big picture, therefore it should not be specific to the characters in the story 


True or False: The climax of Thank You Ma’m is when Ms. Jones brings Roger inside her home. 

False; the climax is when Roger does not run out of Ms. Jones’s house when he has the opportunity


The following is an example of what type of figurative language? 

I’ve spent about a billion dollars on Starbucks by now…



What is the academic vocabulary term used to describe one’s previous knowledge on a subject or topic? 



Tell me one convention of dialogue (One rule)

Answers may vary 


What is the theme of this passage? 

Mr. Pig and Mr. Dog were hanging out at the food court of the animal shopping mall. Mr. Pig was eating a huge feast of pizza and drinking a large jug of fruit punch and Mr. Dog was watching him eat. "Hey, Mr. Pig. If you give me a slice of your pizza, I'll let you have the next bone I find." Mr. Pig declined, even though it hurt his stomach to eat the last three slices of pizza. "I'm sorry, Mr. Dog," Mr. Pig said, "but I paid for this pizza and it's all mine." Mr. Dog sighed and waited for Mr. Pig to finish, and then they left the animal mall together. On the way out, a hunter spotted them and gave chase. Mr. Pig normally could have escaped the hunter but since he was weighed down by such a large meal, Mr. Pig collapsed and the hunter killed him. Mr. Dog easily escaped. Later that night while returning to the scene, Mr. Dog caught the scent of something delicious and began digging around a trash can. He found a large ham bone with lots of meat and marrow still stuck to the bone. Mr. Dog happily ate.

Possible responses: Do not be greedy, You will be punished for the times you treat others badly (Karma), Do not be glutinous (don’t overeat), Share with others when you can 


What was the resolution of "The Tell Tale Heart"?

The Butler continues to hear the old man's heart and leads him to confess that he killed him. 


What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile? 

Both a metaphor and simile compare two things, but a metaphor does NOT use “like” or “as”


What can we conclude from the following passage? 

The children were wearing fancy clothes in pastel colors. When the whistle blew, the children ran across the yard. They placed eggs in their baskets and continued to look around the garden, under flowers and high up in the trees for colorful eggs of wonders. 

Possible answers: It is Easter Sunday, the children are participating in an Easter egg hunt 


When writing a short constructed response, we should use the _____ method to organize our writing. 

CERRS - Claim, Evidence, Reasoning, Reasoning, Summarize 


Read the passage below to determine the theme: 

In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn't let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history.

 Possible Answers: Always work towards your dreams, don’t let others bring you down, stay strong during tough times, Keep pursuing your dreams regardless of what others say