What is the third needle on some Altimeters
10,000 ft
The definition of "RVR"
Runway Visual Range
According to ISA, the lapse Rate is this
1.98 degrees
Altitudes above 18,000 ft are referred to as these.
Flight Levels
The main 2 reasons Volcanic Ash is a danger to aviation
Abrasive Powder and corrosive
In cruising flight above FL180, the altimeter shall be set to this pressure setting
Why can Vertical Visibility be different than surface visibility
Looking down through a thin fog layer can be drastically different than looking horizontally through it
According to ISA, standard temperature at Kelowna is this
12^ C
What is the definition for "QNH"
►The pressure, that when set on the altimeter, will cause it to read the station elevation when the aircraft is on the ground. ( QNH )
This gentleman is the focus of Taylor Swift's ongoing Grammy Drama
Kanye West
Complete this phrase. "..........................., look out below
"From High to Low ..."
When does haze present the most significant danger to a pilot
When flying into the sun. Can become IFR
According to ISA, Standard Pressure in hPa is this
Frost on the wing can cause lift to decrease by this amount while drag can increase by this much.
30% and 40%
Which of these Airmasses has the lowest tropopause height? mA, cA, mP, mT
What is the significance of "From warm to cold, don't be bold?"
Without a change in the pressure setting, moving from an area of warm to cold, can result in an altimeter reading that is overeading.
What illusion can rain on the windshield cause?
For objects to appear lower than they are.
What would this illusion possibly cause the pilot to do if not recognized?
According to ISA, the Tropopause Height is this.
36,000 ft
Given the following, PL, RA, SN, FZRA, in the winter, you are approaching a warm front from the cold air side. In what order will you experience the various types of precipitation?
The definition for "QNE"
Standard Pressure.
This is the definition of "aneroid"
Containing no liquid
Explain "empty field myopia"
- with no object to focus on, the human eye will relax and focus in near distance (2 to 3 metres)
- can also cause disoprientation
According to ISA, pressure decreases at a rate of 1 mb per this many ft.
30 feet
Explain the "Cold Soaking" Phenomenon
Cold soaking is a phenomenon that occurs when an aircraft's wing fuel tanks contain very cold fuel, causing the wing skin to drop below freezing. This can lead to the formation of ice or frost on the wings, even when the outside air temperature is above freezing
Is the decoded answer to this Upper Wind Report:
300 Degrees at 160 Knots