Transport's governing Program regulating that any stabilizing surface of the A/C including wings, control surfaces, rotors, propellers, horizontal stabilizers, vertical stabilizers and in case if the A/C has rear mounted engines, the upper part of its fuselage, and canards must be free of frozen contaminants
Clean Aircraft Concept
In general, temperature must be this for any icing to occur
0 degrees although studies show this can happen up to approx +2
Icing is dependent on these two primary things
LWC and the temperature of the cloud.
Water droplets existing in liquid form well below freezing are called this
The main reasons Volcanic Ash is a danger to aviation
Abrasive Powder and mildly corrosive
Parking an aircraft inside a warm hanger to melt the ice poses this danger once taken back outside
The melted ice can refreeze
LWC is the acronym for this
Liquid Water Content
These are the three generally accepted typed of aviation icing
Rime, Clear, Mixed
This is the process referring to the formation of snow
Bergeron Process
An aviation report for Volcanic Ash is called this
Volcanic Sigmet
Lift decreases by this amount while drag can increase by this much.
30% and 40%
Ice will generally collect on these surfaces first
Antennas or thin wings
This type of Ice is transparent to Opaque and can be difficult to spot
In the context of this class, the warmer the air, the better it's ability to do this
Hold Moisture
In 1980, the eruption of this Volcano in Washington State brought the perils of Volcanic Ash to the forefront.
Mount St. Helens
These are 4 effects of icing on aircraft with regard to the forces of flight
Lift decrease, weight increases, stalling speed increases, drag increases
Liquid Water Content is dependent on these two things
Size and number of droplets
This type of Ice has a rough, milky opaque appearance
Rime Ice
The Stratus Family of Clouds have this formal name
Layer Clouds
The reason Airborne Radar does not detect Volcanic Ash
Too small in particle size
Taylor Swift has this many cats, all made famous by the superstar
Meredith Grey, Olivia Benson, and Benjamin Button. As of 2023, Olivia Benson has a total net worth of $97 million, ranking as the third richest pet in the world
This is the name for fuel in tanks causing moisture in the warm humid air outside the wing to freeze
Cold Soaking
Carburetor Icing is caused by these two main items
Acceleration of the air and vaporization of the fuel
Flying towards a Warm Front from the Cold Air, a pilot could experience this order of precipitation
Snow, Ice Pellets, Freezing Rain, Rain
Very sudden engine malfunctions, surges, high vibrations, increased EGT Temperatures, torching from the tail pipe, and flameout are tell tale signs that volcanic ash may be present. The name for a night time encounter of these things is named this.
St. Elmo's Fire