Name of type of leave that allows airport workers to take extended leave without FMLA
Personal Leave of Absence
The name of the law that grants airport workers raises until 2026
Secure Maryland Wage Act
How many workers work at Swissport at IAD?
Name of two laws that govern Airport CBA's
Railroad Labor Act & National Labor Relations Act
What are the top two issues Swissport Workers say they are organizing for?
Name of two companies who with the new contract now have PTO who previously did not
Huntleigh & BAGS
Name of one benefit BWI workers have now that they did not have previously
Name all of the classifications at Swissport.
Cargo, Ramp (express and international), Baggage (express and international), Cabin, Ticket Counter, Commissary, Load Control
Time union has for New Employee Orientations (Previous & Current)
15 minutes & 30 minutes
What was the amount of money IAD Swissport workers recently won in back pay and missing wages?
Over $36,000
Amount of hours an employee can carryover according to the new policy
40 hours
Name of Maryland Airport Authority
Maryland Aviation Administration
What is the biggest airline that Swissport workers service at IAD and what do the workers call that area of work?
100pt BONUS: How many total airlines does Swissport service?
United, express side
22 different airlines at peak time
Amount of time when new employees are granted PTO
3 months
What are the CURRENT airports we are signing up because of the Swissport neutrality agreement?
Amount of paid Holidays an employee gets in 2027
Name of three companies at BWI (in 32BJ universe) who are not organized yet
What is the starting hourly wage of ALL Swissport workers?
$18.50 for USA, $19 for Cargo
Criteria of person translating for an employee
1) A 32BJ Union member employed at the airport or an employee of the union
2) Not related to the employee
3) Able to provide the interpretation in a reasonable time frame; and
4) Capable of providing interpretation.
Name the three workers that were fired that we won their jobs back and the classifications they worked in!
Keith and Ronaldhino in cargo, and Ernest in ramp international
Steps to the bid process
1. Employer informs union of a new schedule announcement and provides the new schedule, the current schedule and the seniority list.
2. Upon request from the union, the union and employer will meet to review proposed changes to the existing work schedule including ways to minimize split shifts. If after this meeting there is a new schedule, the employer will provide a copy to the union for review.
3. The employer will post the seniority list and the new schedule one week in advance of the scheduled bid.
4. The employer will post an announcement of the bid process with dates and times.
5. The union may assign Union Representatives or designated worker leaders to assist employees with understanding the bidding process.
6. The new schedule will go into effect at least one week after the schedule bid is complete.
Name of one thing that Airway workers at BWI & DCA have in their agreement that other employers do not have
Better PTO standard
What is the name of the health insurance company that Swissport worker's have? (Hint: it's relatively good coverage and isn't that expensive for the workers)
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Definition of Most Favored Nations
In the event the Union enters into a collective bargaining agreement with a competitor of the Employer at the Airports, the terms or conditions of which are more favorable to the competitor than the terms contained in this agreement, the Employer shall have the option of accepting the package of terms and conditions of that CBA in place of those in this Agreement.
Name the two companies that are Swissport's competition that we are organizing next!