The standard command to make a flight stand at attention.
This essential leadership concept involves working together to achieve a common goal.
What is teamwork
The main purpose of an aircraft wing.
What is to generate lift
Cadets learn all about survival in this three day survival activity.
What is FTX
The primary skill taught in the National Glider Pilot Scholarship Program.
What is Gliding
In drill, the foot you step off with when marching.
What is left foot
A structured activity designed to improve communication, trust, and collaboration in a team.
What are team building activities
At this summer training camp, cadets learn about the basics of aviation.
What is Basic Aviation
This is the minimum number of days a person can survive without water.
What is 3 days
Specialty training involving the use of musical instruments.
What is Band
In the first drill lesson, M108.01, level one cadets learn about these two fundamental drill commands.
What is standing at attention and at ease
Relationship in which an experienced individual guides and supports a less experienced person to help them grow and develop their skills.
What is a mentorship
In lesson M231.01, cadets learn about these four forces of flight.
What are lift, thrust, weight and drag
This is the term for the advanced training course focused on leadership and teamwork in an outdoor environment.
What is Survival Instructor
The cadet summer training camp focusing on marksmanship and air rifle shooting.
What is the Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course
The number of paces per minute in a standard cadet march.
What is 120 paces
Referring to teaching approaches used by instructors, such as lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on activities.
What are instructional techniques
This principle explains how airspeed increases as pressure decreases over a curved wing.
What is Bernoulli’s Principle
The international distress signal using sound or light?
What is three short bursts
This Cadet Program initiative, standing for Promoting Healthy and Safe Experiences, teaching cadets about healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and seeking help in situations like bullying or abuse.
What is PHASE
The french command for attention.
A three-digit number referring to the prefix lesson code for level three lessons about teaching techniques, and often referring to the level's teaching exam.
What is 309
This axis runs from the nose to the tail of an aircraft, and rotation around it is controlled by the ailerons to create a rolling motion.
What is the longitudinal axis?
In the lesson M490.02, cadets learn about stoves and lanterns that operate using this type of fuel.
What is Naphtha
The training of this skill involves clear communication, proper tone, and engaging delivery.
What is effective speaking