It wasn’t necessary for you to bring a gift.
You __________________ a gift.
didn’t have to bring
These two contrast linkers are followed by +ing/a noun/the fact that and is more formal than 'but/although' but less formal than 'nevertheless/however'.
Despite/In spite of
This is used to talk about something that we are accustomed to now or that is normal.
E.g I get up everyday at 5am so it's normal for me.
I'm used to it/getting up at 5am.
(used to + ing/noun)
__ this picture we can see people out doors.
"I'm sorry I forgot your birthday," she said.
She __________________ her birthday.
apologised for forgetting
These formal linkers are used for addition. (5 possible answers)
Furthermore, moreover, what´s more, additionally, in addition
This type of word is made by combining two words to make a new adjective with a hyphen (-).
E.g she is a child who has good behaviour.She is a well-behaved child.
(Compound adjectives)
this picture shows people indoors, _____, the other picture shows people outdoors
whereas/while/on the other hand/however
The exam was easier than I had expected.
The exam __________________ I had expected.
was not as difficult as
To recuperate from an illness or break up.
He really needs to ___ ____ her. It's been a year already!
to get over
This grammar is used to talk about what someone said after they have finished speaking.
e.g "Why don't we go bowling" - TintinTintin suggested going bowling (reported speech)
These types of writing need a title and subheadings for each paragraph. They are more formal and impersonal than the other types.
Reports and Proposals
We want to _____ that this event takes place by providing all resources that are required. (sure)
She didn’t manage to finish the project on time.
She __________________ the project on time.
did not succeed in finishing
This is used to make a sentence more formal by switching the subject with the auxiliary verb, and adding a negative phrase.
E.g that student can speak English, French and Chinese!
Not only can that student speak English, but (also) French and Chinese!
These types of writing are more chatty and conversation. You can use idioms, phrasal verbs and 'colourful' vocabulary.
The building's foundations are in desperate need of _______ (strong)
As soon as he arrived, it started raining.
Hardly __________________ it started raining.
had he arrived than
The new device is really popular! It's really ____ __ (phrasal verb)
catching on
This grammar is used to link two sentences by leaving out a subject and using a comma.
E.g Join the two sentences.
He is a genius. So, he knows how to answer this question.
Being a genius, he knows how to answer this question.
(Participle Clauses)
This report/proposal ____ to... illustrate the effect of participation on the project.