
Answer the question and give evidence (specific words) for your answer:

What point is the author trying to make about McDonald's?

Each year, McDonald’s buys as much as 1.9bn lb of beef that it packs into patties for millions of Happy Meals, Quarter Pounders, Big Macs, Triple Cheeseburgers and other popular beefy sandwiches served across the globe.

The staggering volume of meat requires the company and its suppliers to slaughter north of 7 million cattle, according to some estimations, and that comes at a steep cost to the environment: McDonald’s more than 53m metric tons of greenhouse gas produced in 2020 exceeds several European nations’ emissions.

McDonald's is a much greater producer of greenhouses than you may think.

The staggering volume of meat 

steep cost to the environment

McDonald’s more than 53m metric tons of greenhouse gas produced in 2020 exceeds several European nations’ emissions.


Answer the question and give evidence (specific words) for your answer:

How has the writer's opinion of Anti-vaxxers changed?

Being obliged to spend time around devout anti-vaxxers has disabused me of the comforting idea that they are either disingenuous or rightwing nut jobs.

Yes, there are those on the right who exploit those ready to believe the world is not as it appears, but many of those I’ve spoken with would be horrified to be labelled right wing. They identify as LGBTQI+ allies, advocate for action on climate change, and honestly believe all the misinformation they’re spreading.

They are supporters of extreme right-wing politics and truly believe what they say.

has disabused me of the comforting idea that they are either disingenuous or rightwing nut jobs.

but many of those I’ve spoken with would be horrified to be labelled right wing.

honestly believe all the misinformation they’re spreading.


Answer the question and give evidence (specific words) for your answer:

How successful does the writer believe the police will be?

Great to hear that a 57-year-old Downing Street man is keen to help the police with their inquiries into a growing number of potential misdemeanours at his address. Boris Johnson says that “of course” he will tell the Met the truth, which pretty much guarantees they’ll never get to the bottom of it. When you want Sherlock Holmes but have to settle for Elizabeth Holmes.

The Police will be unsuccessful / find nothing.

which pretty much guarantees they’ll never get to the bottom of it.

When you want Sherlock Holmes but have to settle for Elizabeth Holmes.


Answer the question and give evidence (specific words) for your answer:

What point is the writer trying to make?

When the elements turn hostile, we are more than ever dependent on the roofs over our heads. So evocative is this scenario, of humans walled up against the cold, that there is talk of a film capturing the experience of the group snowed in for three days at a Yorkshire pub during Storm Arwen. But for those without a safe place to shelter, extreme weather is an ordeal to be endured. Last week, the Liverpool Echo reported on complaints about a local McDonald’s that refused to sell hot food to a woman who wanted it for a homeless man she met outside in pouring rain.

Homeless people are forgotten / different rules apply to them.

there is talk of a film capturing the experience of the group snowed in for three days at a Yorkshire pub during Storm Arwen. 

a local McDonald’s that refused to sell hot food to a woman who wanted it for a homeless man she met outside in pouring rain. 


Answer the question and give evidence (specific words) for your answer:

What difference does the writer comment on between opera and musicals?

Musicals demand the gamut of performance skills – singing, dancing, acting, comic timing; a successful production must pull all those things off. Opera, which often does too, is generally afforded more cultural respect, but musical theatre is emotionally, musically and culturally accessible in a way that opera, which in Britain at least arrives with formidable barriers of class and education, sometimes isn’t (although it’s true that some West End musicals are beginning to rival and even outstrip opera in ticket prices). 

While they both require skill, opera is more highly regarded and inaccessible.

Opera, which often does too, is generally afforded more cultural respect,

opera, which in Britain at least arrives with formidable barriers of class and education, sometimes isn’t