Quiz #7: Fill in the blank: "In order to determine whether an object is speeding up or slowing down, you need to look at the _______ of the line".
What is Slope.
Quiz #3: Which graph shows the speed of an object?
What is the 1st or Blue Graph?
Which pathway is the shortest?
Quiz #8: Which type(s) of measurements of motion include both speed AND direction?
What are velocity and acceleration.
To gain an extra 100pts (you cannot pick yourself)
The team with the most votes wins the points.
Quiz #5: Which part of the green graph indicates the object stopping and staying still? (Note: the green graph has dots on it, representing segments of the graph; there are 4 segments total from left to right)
What is: none of the line segments show this.
Which object traveled the fastest?
Quiz #6: True or False: All three of these graphs represent the same motion of an object.
What is True.
Quiz #10: A car is increasing it's speed at a stop sign (0mph) to 25mph. This is an example of what type of measurement of motion?
What is acceleration.
Pick a team to give away 200 of their points to the group that choses this.
The team with the most votes will donate 200 of their own points.
Which measurement of motion describes the total length an object traveled?
What is distance.
Quiz #1: Which graph shows the velocity of an object?
What is the 2nd or Green Graph
Does the object in this graph ever stay still (in the same position)? If yes, where?
What is Yes, from point A to B.
An object travels a total distance of 10 meters in 5 seconds. What is the object's speed? (don't forget to label your speed correctly)
What is 2 meters per second (s = d/t).
Who is the most fabulous online teach of all? Correct answers will get 300 points each.
Everyone who put 'Ms. Klemm' gets 300 points.
Quiz #9: A car is traveling 25mph. This is an example of what type of measurement of motion?
What is speed?
Which object showed an acceleration?
What is the blue bird or the blue line.
If you were in a hurry on your bike, would you take the blue path or the red path and why?
What is the Blue path because it is shorter.
Quiz #4: Which part of the green graph indicates the object decreasing speed? (Note: the green graph has dots on it, representing segments of the graph; there are 4 segments total from the left to right)
What is the first line segment on the left side.
Pick a team and an amount of points for them to lose.
Ms. Klemm will chose one at random.
Which object is the best reference point to prove that Person A is moving and why?
What is Person C because they are stationary (still).
Quiz #2: Which graph shows the acceleration of an object?
What is the 3rd or Red Graph
The following graphs show velocity of a car. Which of these show a car accelerating?
What is graph 3 or the last graph on the right.
A bowling ball is dropped from the 40th floor of a 100 floor building. The height the ball falls is 40 feet and it takes 40 seconds to reach the ground. What is the velocity of the bowling ball? Make sure to label your velocity correctly.
What is 1 foot per second down/south/toward the ground.
Pick 2 teams to split 500 points.
The top 2 teams will get 250 points each.