What is the one dish that everyone brings to Christmas dinner, but nobody eats?
What is fruitcake
Who was the singer in the 1994 hit song All I Want for Christmas is You?
What day is the first day of winter?
What is December 21st
What brings Frosty the Snowman to life?
What is a hat
In the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas, what is the Grinch's loyal dog's name?
Who is "Max"
What holiday drink is made with sweetened and spiced milk and can be served hot or cold?
What is eggnog
Finish the lyrics... "Last Christmas I gave you my heart..."
"The very next day, you gave it away!"
What company was the first to use the image of Santa Claus in advertising?
What is Coca-Cola
On what island do Rudolph and Hermey find themselves in the 1964 movie, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
What is the Island of Misfit Toys
What are the names of the burglars in the 1990 movie Home Alone?
Who is Marv and Harry
What treat was commonly used to decorate Christmas trees?
What is a candycane
What is the famous musical that dubs as a play?
What is The Nutcracker
What was the first Christmas song played in space?
What is Jingle Bells
In the movie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, what does Clark Griswold want to build with his holiday work bonus?
What is the full name of the cold-hearted moneylender who does not like Christmas?
Ebenezer Scrooge
What is a popular Christmas treat that you do NOT eat?
What is a gingerbread house
In the song You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch, what vegetable does the singer say is in the Grinch's soul?
What is garlic
What are the names of all 8 of Santa's reindeers? (Not including Rudolph)
Who is Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen
How many siblings does Kevin have in the movie Home Alone?
In the 1994 movie The Santa Clause with Tim Allen, what is Santa's real name before he turned into Santa?
Who is Scott Calvin
What are 3 dried fruits that are commonly used as holiday decorations?
What are apples, oranges, and cranberries.
In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, what does your true love give to you on the 6th day of Christmas?
6 geese a-laying
In what country does Santa have a postal code?
What is Canada
In the 2003 movie, Elf, what is the bad phrase that will make any elf gasp?
What is a Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins
In what 1970 movie do the characters heat miser and snow miser first appear