Working From Home
UCSF Fun Facts
Random Stuff U Should Know
CAIPS Leaders

The telecommuting policy says you must have ALL equipment, software and access codes to be as productive or more productive at home as you would be at work.  However, we will not actually require you to have this piece of 80's office equipment mentioned in the policy.

What is a fax machine?


The 10th Chancellor in the history of UCSF (founded 1865)

Who is Sam Hawgood?


Bill's job description involves managing staff and operations; and completing initiatives for CAIPS units and for Liz W; and providing direct service to trainees through presenting and counseling; and working with faculty and campus leadership and alumni; and also 35% of this activity.

What is national reputation? 

35% NR; 10% External/internal collaborations with faculty and leaders; 20% career outcomes leadership within UCSF; 20% operations; 10% direct service; 5% employer and alumni

(Why enhance our reputation nationally?  Why do I still work with trainees?)


This CAIPS staffer is quite the skilled tango dancer

Who is Naledi?


This thing is required every time you request a WFH day not covered by an annual agreement (including and not your normal day).

What is "written request and written permission from my supervisor"?


The total number of programs and events hosted or sponsored by OCPD and ISSO combined during 2017-18 program year (OPS is omitted because each team needs a person who knows their number)

What is 291?

110 for ISSO

181 for OCPD

Plus 74 for OPS

Total = 365


-Advance the CAIPS units' goals

-Support collaborative intra-CAIPS efforts

-Support CAIPS directors efforts to achieve their units' Vision/Mission

-Lead efforts to secure and maintain internal and external funding sources

What is CAIPS's Mission?


This person is certified to mush sled dogs

Who is Brian?


When working from home, the policy says you must respond to co-worker or client personal contacts (phone, Skype, etc) in what time frame?

What is "within one hour"?*

*Different offices may require shorter times but not longer.


This UCSF Nobel Laureate discovered prions (cause brain degenerative diseases such as Mad Cow disease)?  (Hint: This person reportedly tells their postdocs not to expect a letter of recommendation.  The name behind the Laureate "is good enough".)

Who is Stanley Prusiner?



How much of SAA's funds can I spend this year on my own professional development?

Plus $540 if you take the UCB counseling class!


This person makes the worlds best deep dish pecan pie (according to this person at least)

Who is Bill?


You mark your time sheet this way when you are not working, AND you are sick, or you are short-term caring for a sick person.  You are excused from meetings and calls on this kind of day.

What is a sick day?


SFGH is now named after this powerhouse couple (first and last names please)

Who are Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg


An example of Bill's external relations efforts includes expanding relationships with this foundation, with the goal of securing future funds to help staff achieve their goals and move forward on new initiatives

What is Burroughs Wellcome Fund?  What is NSF? What is HHMI, NIH, DDCF, Health Research Alliance or any other fund?


This person once stalked Jack Nicholson in a grocery store parking lot

Who is Chris?


You mark your time sheet this way when you are working, and you are regularly checking and responding to email and phone and Skype all day.  You are not excused from emails and meetings on this kind of day.

What is a Work From Home day?


This UCSF school is ranked in the top 5 nationally

What is the School of Medicine?


Make a difference in the following areas:

Help UCSF figure out a solution for assisting our MD clinical fellows as they struggle to move on in their careers

Help the university further secure and expand our Study Abroad initiative

Help UCSF basic sciences faculty become better mentors for their students/postdocs

What are several of Bill's long-term, pie in the sky goals? (Where does this fit in my job description?)


This person knows a lot about male menopause

Who is Liz Watkins?