The timeframe to process a CF Application
What is 30 days?
Bi-Weekly Conversion Factor
What is 2.167?
A SAR HH must complete this every 12 months
What is a CF RE?
Statement of Facts
What is a SAWS 2 PLUS?
This determines the application date
What is the date we receive the signed application?
Amount of LUA Deduction
What is $166?
What is Income Reporting Threshold?
If a customer applies on a SAWS1, you will offer this form to them at the end of the interview
What is a Statement of Facts?
Request for Verification
What is a CW2200?
If the HH's monthly housing costs plus utilities exceed their combined income and resources, the HH is eligible to this
What is Expedite Services?
Standard deduction for a HH of 5
What is $254?
What is Modified Categorical Eligibility?
HH's have conferred MCE status if they are given the PUB275 and have income below this percent
What is 200% FPL?
Semi-Annual Report
What is a SAR7?
% of the FPL to under IRT
What is 130%?
What is Work Incentive Nutrition Supplement?
We must confirm the customer received these when they applied and confirm they understand them
What is the R&R's?
Self Employment Worksheet
What is a SU393?
The form clerical completes and attaches to the CF App for you
What is the HH Fact Sheet?
Maximum Shelter Allowance Deduction
What is $712?
What is State Utility Assistance Subsidy?
Any student who does not meet the eligibility criteria shall be considered this
What is an excluded HH Member?
Customer's Hearing Rights
What is a NA BACK 9?