What’s the #1 crop in California?
What are Almonds?
What is the Farm Bureau’s main goal?
What is advocating?
There’s such a thing as purple tomatoes.
What is true?
This President put "Farmer" on his resume before moving into the White House.
Who is George Washington?
True or False: Organic food has zero pesticides.
What is False?
They use organic pesticides!
Which industry uses the most freshwater in the U.S.?
What is Water?
What’s one major issue the Mendocino County Farm Bureau fights for?
What are water issues/land use issues?
You can milk an almond.
What is false?
Technically you squeeze it. Almond milk isn't actual milk...
his tractor brand has a logo that’s a leaping deer.
What is John Deere?
True or False: Most fruit and vegetables in the US have GMO's?
What is False?
Only around 13 different crops are actually genetically modified.
What percent of farms in the U.S. are family-owned?
What is 98%?
What’s the name of the event where Farm Bureau members lobby in D.C.?
What is Ag Day at the Capitol?
Avocados were once called ‘alligator pears.’
What is true?
Which farming invention helped kick off the Industrial Revolution?
What is the cotton gin?
What animal is wrongly blamed for climate change but actually plays a key role in land health?
What are cattle?
What farm animal has four stomach compartments and is basically a walking food processor?
What is a cow?
What year was the American Farm Bureau founded?
(Hint, a year after MCFB was founded)
What is 1919?
Cows can walk upstairs but not downstairs.
What is true?
Their knees don't bend like that
This fast-food chain is known for promoting "Eat Mor Chikin."
What is chic-fil-a?
What’s the biggest reason for rising food prices?
What is supply chain issues & inflation?
What fruit has more genes than a human?
What is a strawberry?
What Mendocino County Commodity produces the most agriculture revenue?
There are more chickens on Earth than people.
What is true?
but still not enough eggs for some reason.
Which billionaire is investing millions in lab-grown meat and alternative farming tech?
Who is Bill Gates?
Why can’t farmers just "plant more food" to end world hunger?
What is land, water, and labor shortages?