Is it legal?
Multiple Choice
What should you do?

When is it legal to drive off the paved road to pass another vehicle?

It is not legal under any circumstances.


What is one of the most common causes of traffic collisions?

Driver distractions.


True or False: Trucks have large powerful emergency breaks, which gives them the capability to stop quickly.



What should you do when there is a school bus ahead that starts flashing yellow warning lights? 

a). Slow down and prepare to stop.

b). Stop immediately and remain stopped.

c). Cautiously pass the school bus on the left.

a). Slow down and prepare to stop.


If you sell or transfer ownership of your vehicle when must you notify the DMV by?

You must notify the DMV within 5 days.


Who can legally park next to curb painted blue?

A person who is disabled and has a special placard or vehicle license plate for disabled persons.


When is parking in a crosshatched (diagonal lines) area allowed?

It is never allowed to park in a crosshatched (diagonal lines) area.


True or False: If a driver is having trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway they should use their low beams to improve visibility.

False. In the event of dust or smoke use your headlights.


Which of the following is an example of a safe driving practice?

a). Staring only at the middle of the road.

b). Always keep your eyes moving to scan the surroundings.

c). Using your high-beam headlights in the fog

b). Always keep your eyes moving to scan the surroundings.


What speed should you be driving when entering onto a highway?

At or near the speed of traffic.


When you are driving the speed limit, it is legal to give you a speeding ticket under what circumstances?

If road or weather conditions require a slower speed.


When a railroad crossing is not controlled, what is the speed limit when you are within 100 feet and cannot see for 400 feet in both directions?

15 ft


True or False: To make a right turn at an upcoming intersection you should merge into the bicycle lane before making the turn.



Which of the following is the proper procedure for parallel parking? 

a). Drive forward into the space without stopping.

b). Stop next to the vehicle behind the open space, and then drive forward into the space.

c). Stop next to the vehicle in front of the open space, and then back into the space.

c). Stop next to the vehicle in front of the open space, and then back into the space.


What should you do if you are being followed by a tailgater? 

Change lanes and allow the tailgater to pass.


When is it legal for you to disobey directions from a crossing guard?

Never. You must follow crossing guard's instructions at all times.


How many feet away should you switch from high beam to low beam headlights when approaching a vehicle coming towards you?



True or False: You are under 18 years of age and have had your license for eight months. You may only drive between 5am and 11pm.



Which of the following is a requirement of California's Basic Speed Law?

a). Always drive the speed limit, regardless of conditions.

b). Match your speed to that of your surrounding traffic.

c). Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.

c). Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.


 What should you do when traffic is slow and heavy, and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the upcoming intersection?

Wait until you can cross the tracks completely before you proceed.


When is it legal for a person to drive with an alcoholic beverage container that has been opened?

a). If the container is under the front seat.

b). If the container is in the trunk of the vehicle.

c). If the container is in the glove compartment.

b). If the container is in the trunk of the vehicle.


Under what circumstances are you required to notify DMV by filing a Report of Traffic Accident occurring in California (SR-1) form.

If you were involved in a collision with more than $1,000 in damages.


True or False: Any driver who willfully flees or attempts to evade law enforcement, during which a person is seriously injured, is subject to a fine of $1,000

False. The driver may be subject to imprisonment in a state prison for up to 7 years.


What should you do when reaching a intersection where a person operating a motorizes wheelchair has entered the crosswalk?

a). Remain stopped behind the crosswalk line until the motorized wheelchair has safely finished crossing.

b). Remain stopped behind the nearest crosswalk line until the motorized wheelchair is beyond the range of your vehicle.

c). Assume right-of-way if the motorized wheelchair stops in the crosswalk.

a). Remain stopped behind the crosswalk line until the motorized wheelchair has safely finished crossing.


What does a flashing yellow traffic signal light direct a driver to do?

Slow down and proceed with caution.