Fur trappers opened new routes to California because...
They wanted to find new areas that had fur animals to trap
What trail did most settlers use to get to California
The California Trail
In the 1840's the idea that became popular to help build American interest in California.
Manifest Destiny
California became a part of the United states because of this Treaty.
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Writing that is "made up"
A trailblazer that led the first group of Americans overland into California.
Jedediah Strong Smith
What trail ended in Los Angeles California?
the Old Spanish Trail
Who is John C. Fremont?
An American hero who wrote about California. He also aided the California rebels and helped establish the Bear Flag Revolt.
Words such as "I think, I believe, or in my opinion"
What are some ways you can tell something is a fact?
If it can be be proven true or comes from a trusted source.
How did ost settlers traveled from the United States to California before the overland routes were established?
By ship
Why did the Donner Party face some of the largest challenges on their way to California?
They followed a route from a book written by a man who had never been to California. The route took longer than expected and they got stuck in the Sierra Nevada in the winter.
What is why did the Bear Flag Republic last a short time?
Because American warships landed in Monterey and made the Bear Flaggers part of the United States.
The location of the Bear Flag Revolt.
What are documentary sources?
Documents often produce at the time an event takes place, usually by a person who actually experiences the event.
Why do prices for goods rise when the supply of the goods is low?
When goods are hard to find, they become more valuable, and people will pay higher prices for them.
What are some reasons Mexico lost control of California?
The Mexican government was weak and their economy of Alta California was weak. Rancho owners had bought more property and gained more power than the government. The Mexican government could not afford to pay its soldiers in Alta California. The capital of Mexico was far away. Mexico could not stop American settlers from moving into Alta, California.
What are examples of documentary sources?
Films, photographs, audio recordings, letters, diaries, maps, artwork or quotes from historical newspaper articles are all examples of this.
Where was the Mexican California capital located?
What were some of the challenges faced by settlers traveling overland to California?
A long, difficult trip by wagon train, poorly mapped or unproved trails, large deserts, Sierra Nevada, hunger, extreme weather, or winter weather if they were too late in crossing the Sierra Nevada
What is an opinion?
A statement that tells what a person believes or thinks is called this.
Who were the Bear Flaggers?
Rebels in California who fought against Mexico because they wanted to take control of California away from Mexico
What is a squatter?
a person who lived on land without permission or ownership