Do Not Enter
No U-Turn
No Left Turn
No Right Turn
True or False:
If you cannot see a truck's side mirrors, the truck driver cannot see you
True or False:
Smoking in the vehicle with a minor is acceptable
False; You can be fined
imprisonment, fine, or both if reckless driving causes injury to another person
Blue Curb
Disabled person with placard (or someone driving a disabled person)
What are the yellow diamond signs called?
Warning Sign
(Give an example)
The heavier the vehicle and the faster it is moving, the longer it takes to safely stop
Are passengers allowed to travel in the back of a pick up truck?
What about animals?
Yes, but only if the vehicle has secure seats and seatbelts
Animals may be transported in the back if properly secured
Failure to stop for School bus (Red flashing lights)
Fined up to $1000 and your driving privilege may be suspended
No stopping, standing, or parking
Highway Construction and Maintenance Signs
Can you pass a motorcycle in the same lane as you?
No. Never try to pass in the same lane (lane splitting). Always change lanes to pass any vehicle.
Can you alter your license plate?
Dumping or Abandoning animals on the highway
Up to $1000, six months in jail, or both
White Curb
Stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers
What are these signs called? Name as many as you can!
Failure to pull over for an emergency vehicle can result in what?
receiving a ticket
True or False:
It is okay to throw a cigarette, cigar, or other flaming or glowing substance from your vehicle
Assaulting a highway worker
Up to $2000 and imprisonment for up to one year
Green Curb
Limited time parking. Time is posted on a sign or painted on the curb.
Name all the signs
Green/white/blue: Guide Signs
One way = White Regulatory Sign
Do Not Enter/Wrong way = Red and White Regulatory Sign
What should you do if an emergency vehicle approaches while you are in an intersection?
Continue through the intersection, drive to the right as soon as it is safe and stop.
Possession of alcohol under 21
Vehicle can be impounded for up to 30 days, suspended license for a year, and a fine.
Yellow Curb
Load and unload passengers and cargo. Do not stop longer than the time posted.