Panorama History
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
California State Facts
Student Slang
Education Funding

This distinct program launched by Panorama Education serves as a platform for educators to access resources, insights, and tools to enhance their teaching practices

Answer: What is the "Panorama Academy"


This approach focuses on individual students who are struggling academically and pulls together resources to help them

What is Response to Instruction & Intervention

The state nickname

What is the Golden State


This GenZ term is used when someone behaves a bit sneaky or seems a touch shady in the social arena

What is Suss


This federal program provides funding for special education services to ensure students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)


The year that Panorama Education was founded

What is 2012


This system primarily flags potential academic risks for individual students, focusing on indicators like attendance, behavior, and course performance

What is the Early Warning System (EWS)


The state motto

What is Eureka!


When Gen Zers gossip or serve up the latest juicy details, they use this hot beverage-themed slang

What is Spill the Tea


This legal term refers to the principle that ensures the equitable distribution of funds for public education, regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status

What is "Equitable Funding" or "Fair Funding Formula"


This aptly named street in Boston is where Panorama Education's only physical office is located.

What is School Street


In MTSS, the majority of students should ideally fall in this tier

What is Tier 1


This mode of transportation in San Francisco was named the first moving national landmark

What are the cable cars


This phrase is often used by Gen Z to humorously brush off remarks from older generations

What is OK, Boomer


In education finance, this model uses funding that is allocated based on the number of students and pays a fixed amount per student enrolled

What is the "Weighted Student Funding" or "Per-Pupil Funding" model


Panorama acquired this company in 2023 that specializes in managing data to keep high school students on track for graduation

What is Mesa Cloud


This evidence-based approach to literacy instruction focuses on understanding how the brain learns to read

What is The Science of Reading


This state bird has had several roles in Disney movies including Bambi

What is the California Quail


This GenZ slang is used when someone charms with impeccable wit or delivers lines smoother than a freshly waxed floor

What is Rizz


ESSER II and III funds have provided flexibility, allowing schools to use a portion of the funds to address these specific environmental concerns within educational facilities

What are "Indoor Air Quality" or "Ventilation Upgrades"


Panorama currently partners with 12 State Departments of Education. Name 2 of the 12 states.

What are: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming


This emphasizes a proactive approach to behavior, focusing on the creation of positive school environments by teaching and reinforcing appropriate behavior

What is Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)


California became a state in this year

What is 1850


This delicious phrase used by GenZ is served up to applaud someone's absolute dominance in acing a task or nailing a performance

What is You Ate That


This landmark court case in 1973 argued that the state had a constitutional obligation to provide an "ample" education for all children and led to increased scrutiny and reforms in education funding across various states.

What is the San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez case