"The cult of ethnicity exaggerates differences, intensifies resentments, and drives ever deeper the awful wedges between races and nationalities."
Cult of Ethnicity
This fallacy distracts by bringing up something unrelated to the argument.
Red Herring
What does Ad hominem mean?
a fallacy where someone attacks the person making the argument instead of addressing the argument itself.
"I seemed to see the air grow dark and I felt that the room had, for the first time, closed round me."
Turn of the Screw
When someone makes a claim based on only a few examples, they’re committing this fallacy.
hasty generalization
What does unanimity mean?
complete agreement among all people involved in a decision or opinion
"The civil rights revolution provoked new declarations of ethnic identity by the now long-resident 'new migration'...Claiming to speak for who?"
Cult of Ethnicity
This fallacy happens when someone attacks you instead of your argument.
ad hominem
What does Ethos mean?
ethos is the way a speaker builds trust with their audience.
“The apparitions themselves are not ghosts but merely the visible symptoms of the narrator’s neurosis.”
Turn of the screw
When someone misleads by exaggerating a small part of your argument, they’re committing this fallacy.
Straw man
What does Red Herring mean
throwing people off track to avoid dealing with the real problem.