He was Buck's first owner.
Who was Judge Miller?
He is the protagonist of this story.
Who is Buck?
This is the reason Manuel stole and sold Buck.
What is to pay off his gambling debts?
This is where Buck lives at the beginning of the novel.
Where is the Santa Clara Valley, CA?
This is a law that Buck learns from Curly's death.
What is the Law of Fang?
Or do not fall down. This is all about the idea that mercy isn't an idea among wild animals. Mercy is a luxury of civilization.
These two men are the Canadian mail carriers who owned Buck for a time.
Who are Perrault and Francois?
She is the friendly dog who quickly caught "madness" and was killed.
Who is Curly?
This is the animal the dogs chase that leads to the fight between Buck and Spitz.
What is a rabbit?
He is Buck's greatest rival.
Who is Spitz?
This was the only thing, near the end of the book, that kept Buck from running off into the wild.
What is love?
This is the master whom Buck came to love. Hint: This person saved Buck's life.
Who was John Thornton?
This dog was the leader of the pack at first. Buck's foil.
Who is Spitz?
This is what happens to Hal, Charles, and Mercedes.
What is they fall through the ice and die?
The laws that Buck learns running with the dog sled team.
What is the Law of Club and Fang.
This is the kind of animal Buck spends four days hunting.
What is a moose?
He is the man who stole and sold Buck.
Who is Manuel?
This dog so desperately wanted to work/run with the team that he practically killed himself trying to do it while sick.
Who is Dave?
This is the amount of weight Buck pulls to win the bet Thornton had with Matthewson.
What is 1000 pounds?
This is the region where most of the book takes place, often simply called "the North."
What is the Klondike (also acceptable: the Yukon, Canadian wilderness)?
He is the author of The Call of the Wild.
Who is Jack London?
These three bought Buck and his team and mistreated them horribly, ultimately killing nearly all of the dogs except Buck.
Who were Hal, Charles, and Mercedes?
This dog had only one eye.
Who is Sol-leks?
This is who Buck ends up with at the end of the book.
Who are the wolves?
This is the name of the location Thornton and his friends went looking for on their last journey.
What is "The Lost Cabin"?
This is what London seems to be saying about instinct.
What is that instinct is memories passed down from our ancestors?