Is there a Bozeman in San Diego County, California?
No. This happens sometimes when you hit the lookup button and then change the county, state. Please double check the location!
If a call is about suicide, what should be checked under "type of contact"?
Mental health crisis. Suicide is a subset of MH crisis.
You are giving out counseling referrals. What is one thing that has to be selected under presenting issues?
Mental health care options. Or Substance abuse treatment options.
You find out during a follow up that the caller ended up going to Hope House last night. What do you do?
Change disposition to "went to crisis stabilization".
Can a call be entered with no presenting issues?
Yes, this happens occasionally, but if you look, almost everything has a presenting issue. There are lots of places to select "other" too. Please select as many as you can.
A professional (school counselor, private pract. etc..) calls to talk about a client. What do you select for "type of contact?"
Consultation. And possibly other things too like mental health crisis or referral.
Mental health crisis. It may go against every bone in your body. It's still, unfortunately, a MH crisis.
You take a call from Billings. What do you have to do to find and attach resources?
Caller needs help paying for gas. You give them St. James Church. What do you mark under unmet needs?
Nothing. This is only for when you CAN'T give a resource, or find out through followup that the resource didn't work.
What is a call exception?
Hang up, prank, silent, etc.. The Lifeline calls these "non-transactional calls".
What is our default "type of contact"?
Mental Health Crisis
This a Lifeline call again! What do you HAVE to select under presenting issues?
Something under "suicide"
You give someone a resource (not another 211) in Idaho. What should you attach as a resource?
Out of state agency. This helps me track who has to go out of state for help and why.
You are closing a follow up. What should you mark?
Why the follow up ended.
What is the only thing that you need to select for a call exception?
Method of contact (Lifeline, HC333, 211, etc..)
A mom in ND calls about her son in Bozeman. What do you mark for location?
The location of the person in crisis. So Bozeman. Helps with looking up resources. There is a place to mark location of third party, where you would type "ND"
If a person asks you about going to the ER and you when/if they should go, but don't give them any contact info, should you attach this as a resource?
You have a walk in. You give the person counseling referrals, but they do not go to the ER or Hope House. What do you select for disposition?
Resolved over the phone/in person. The disposition is where they are going NEXT.
You get an email with a counseling referral from Catalyst. Should that be entered into iCarol?
A person was referred to us by Catalyst. How do we capture that information?
Interaction Details. "How did the caller hear about the HC?"
What is the difference between info and referral?
You select info when the person already knows what they are looking for and you are providing that information. You select referral when you introduce the resource to the person in that conversation.
Caller wants us to ask her counselor to call her. What do you select under type of contact? Under presenting issues? What do you attach? What do you do when/if the counselor calls us back?
Type of contact - Advocacy
Presenting issues - Answering service
Attach an advocacy follow up
If they call back in, do not create a new call report. Just type "called back" in FU and close the follow up.
Someone calls and says "Is this Hope House?". Is this a wrong number?
No, most likely it's an answering service call, but could also be marked as "info", attaching Hope House as a resource