Celebrity Crushes
Foods & Beverages
The Road Most Traveled
Calley to a "T"
All in the Mangum Family

His "S.O.S" really spoke to Calley's heart in her early teens.

Who is Joe Jonas?

Calley's favorite cocktail is this rum-based one, with lime and mint.

What is a mojito?


This Asian country has been Calley's dream travel destination since she was 8...and she's going next year!

What is Japan?


Calley is this Enneagram number (with a strong 1 wing)

What is Type 2?

"Tal" is short for this.

What is Talmadge?


Matthew McFayden's portrayal of this Jane Austen character is certainly not Calley's favoite; Colin Firth's is a million times better.

Who is Mr. (Fitzwilliam) Darcy?


Whether it be in cakes, cookies, or other baked goods, Calley hates eating any of these. She's definitely not a texture girl.

What are nuts?


Calley has traveled to many countries, but she's spent the longest single stretch of time in this one across the pond.

What is England/Great Britain?


Other than snow, Calley's favorite weather event is this.

What is a thunderstorm?

Michael Mangum does not allow people to call him by this common nickname.

What is Mike?


Hayden Christensen may have divided fans of this film series with his portrayal of Anakin, but there was no denying his attractiveness (at least in Calley's eyes).

What is Star Wars?


Calley's favorite soda is actually not Cheerwine (shocking), but this dark colored one that recently passed Pepsi to become the second most popular soda brand in the U.S.

What is Dr. Pepper?


Calley works for this study abroad program, which is also her favorite place she's ever been.

What is Spoleto?


As an adolescent, Calley would not have said she was a fan of this artist, but somehow Calley's 2022 and 2023 Spotify Wrapped have had her as the top artist (she blames Gebbie).

Who is Taylor Swift?


Calley's family uses many, many nicknames to address her. Name one.

What is Little Coo/Coo/Coo-ie/Calley Coo/Poodle/Curly Girl/Medium-blonde-girl/Little Poodle


Ian Somerhalder's Damon Salvatore may have been the villain for most of Season 1, but his sharp blue eyes had Calley swooning long before his redemption on this show.

What is Vampire Diaries?


We all know Calley is not a fan of Mexican food, and this probably stems from an overabundance of these "colorless" tacos throughout the course of her life.

What are White People Tacos?


Calley's brother Walker gifted her her first (and probably last) trip to this U.S. city last year. But seeing the Hoover Dam was cool.

What is Las Vegas?


Calley is always down for dinner at this nationwide chain restaurant...and she'd probably be content to leave after getting the bread.

What is Texas Roadhouse?


The old Mangum family business, CC Mangum, was what type of company?

What is asphalt paving?

Out of the following options, this BTS member is Calley's "bias," or favorite.

J-Hope, Jungkook, & Jimin

Who is Jimin?


This is Calley's favorite ice cream flavor.

What is mint chocolate chip?


In kindergarten, Calley took 2 weeks off of school to travel with her family to three sunny locations. Name one.

What are Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand?


You'll be in this if you don't know Calley's favorite childhood board game wasn't Scrabble, but a game similar to Sorry! and Parcheesi where you try to get your four pieces safely around the board before everyone else's (and without getting sent back home when another player lands on you.)

What is Trouble?


Walker Mangum has seemingly endless number of sports teams he follows and supports. Name two of his favorites (there are 11 acceptable answers).

What are NY Jets, NJ Devils, NC State Wolfpack, Texas A&M Aggies, Edmonton Oilers, Fulham FFC, Irish National Football Team, Miami Heat, Atlanta Braves, Las Vegas Raiders, whoever is playing UNC?