Reading and Grammar
Social Studies
Spell the the word that is being dictated.
What is a prefix? Add a prefix to the following words: Agree Possible Pleasant
Possible Answer: A prefix is a small group of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to form a new word with a different meaning. Disagree Impossible Unpleasant
What is a reservation?
Possible Answer: A reservation is an area of land set aside for many Native Americans to make their home.
Which are the parts of the mouth and their functions?
The teeth cut and chew the food. The salivary glands produce saliva to break up the food. The tongue mixes the food with the saliva.
Solve the following problem in your mid: eighty five times five plus three minus ten.
85x5+3-10= 418
This structure was first built by Egyptians and they were meant to be used as tombs for Kings or Pharaohs.
A pyramid
This man became a lawyer and won 14 cases for African American clients and he was a civil rights defender.
Thurgood Marshall
What are the sun and moon considered to be?
Celestial Bodies
Explain the difference between rotation and revolution?
Possible Answer: Earth spins on its axis like a top. This movement is called rotation. The movement of Earth around the sun is known as a revolution.
Dany bought 1/2 of a kilo of Cherries, 1/2 of a kilo of strawberries, and 1 kilo of plums. How many kilos of fruit did she buy?
1/2 + 1/2 + 1= 2 She bought 2 kilos of fruit.
This word refers to objects that are still and lifeless.
Why is Ida Lewis considered a hero?
Ida helped guide many ships to shore and saved many lives.
What is a nomad?
A nomad is a person that moves from place to place taking his or her belongings along.
Name and explain the two major groups in animal classification...
Possible Answer: Vertebrates have an internal skeleton. There are five groups of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Invertebrates do not have an internal skeleton. There are many more invertebrates than vertebrates in the world.
What do we call the results from an addition and a subtraction?
The result of an addition is sum and the result of a subtraction is difference.
A way of doing a particular task, such as an artist's manner of painting.
A comparison of two words that have the same relationship.
An analogy
What does GPS stand for and what does this device do?
Possible Answer: GPS stands for Global Positioning System and it is a system that uses satellites to find out the exact position of any point on Earth.
Explain the structure of plants...
Possible Answer: All plants have three basic parts: the roots, the stem, and the leaves. The roots anchor the plant to the ground. The stem supports the leaves. The leaves are responsible for the plant's food and respiration.
When a shape becomes exactly like another even if you flip it, slide it or turn it.
This is called symetry
This is a wooden structure that is carved with symbols that represent the life of specific Native American tribes.
Totem pole
Name the two types of past tense verbs and explain how the ending is changed. Then change the following verbs into their past tense form. Travel See Find Work
Possible Answer: The two types of past tense verbs are: regular and irregular. Regular verbs end in -ed when changed to past and irregular verbs change the entire word. Traveled Saw Found Worked
Describe the three branches of the federal government.
Possible Answer: Executive Branch: consists of the president and he makes sure that laws are obeyed. Legislative: consists of congress and they are incharge of making laws. Judicial: consists of the courts and judges and they make sure the laws are applied in a fair way.
How do we categorize minerals?
Possible Answer: Each mineral has properties that make it different from others, such as color, hardness or luster.
Sally has 545 rocks that she has collected in her travels. She has 5 boxes that she decorated and wants to put her rocks in them. How many rocks can fit in each box?
545/5= 109 rocks in each box.