Stories in the Bible
All About Boy Bands
Our Great Nation
Gotta Catch Them All
Who Said it?
This shipbuilder is currently the star of a current movie starring Russell Crowe
Who is Noah
This group of brothers were the main musical act on the 2008 Disney movie Camp Rock
Who are the Jonas Brothers
On April 1, 1999 this Territory split from the Northwest Territories to become the first major change to Canada’s map since the 1949 inclusion of Newfoundland
What is Nunavat
The original Pokemon games had this number of Pokemon
What is 151
In the Star Wars movie: Episode One - The Phantom Menace, this character (played by terrible child actor Jake Lloyd) says the words “Are you an Angel” to Padme
Who is Anakin Skywalker
The birthplace of Jesus, Nazareth, is in this modern day country
Where is Israel
in 2010, these two popular boy bands formed to become a supergroup with the acronym NKOTBSB
What are New kids on the block and the backstreet boys
Canada split from this Country on July 1, 1867 to become its own nation
What is England/UK
Released in October 2013 on the Nintendo 3DS, these games are the latest instalments for the main Pokemon games series
What is Pokemon X+Y
In the 2012 movie, The Avengers, this character referred to villain Loki as a “Puny God”
Who is the Hulk
This son of David was commissioned to build an extravagant temple for God/the Ark of the Covenant
Who is Solomon
This brother of the Backstreet Boys’ member Nick Carter was also a performer in the mid 2000s
Who is Aaron carter
In 1995, this province narrowly lost a vote to officially secede from Canada to become its own country
What is Quebec
Picture - On Halloween, Neil dressed up as this Pokemon character pictured here standing between a sketchy Starbucks employee and the late TV Salesperson Billy Mays
Who is Ash Ketchum
Picture Daily Double - This actor is depicted in this popular Meme
Who is Nicolas Cage
Daily Double - This person once preached so long that someone in the audience fell asleep and then fell from a second story window.
Who is Paul
The boy band One Direction was formed/discovered on this British TV show
What is X factor
In 1993, this politician became Canada’s only female Prime Minister
Who is Kim Campbell
When attacking a water Pokemon, it is wise to use this type of Pokemon (2 types)
What is Grass or Electric
This person commonly used the phrase: “If you’re not first, you’re last”
Who is Ricky Bobby’s dad/Ricky Bobby/Will Ferrell
The classic story, David and Goliath, is located in this book of the bible
What is 1st Samuel
This member of N’sync briefly played boyfriend to Lucy Camden on the hit sudo Christian TV show 7th Heaven
Who is Lance Bass
This member of parliament was Canada’s finance minister up until his sudden death on April 10, 2014
Who is Jim Flaherty
Pokemon #339, Barboach, evolves to this Pokemon
What is Wiscash
This man once said: “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”
Who is Ghandi