What does Angkor Wat name mean?
Temple city / City of temple
How many provinces are in Cambodia?
There are 25
What is Cambodia's national food?
What is the main religion in Cambodia?
How big is the population of Cambodia?
17 million people
Which way / direction does Angkor Wat face?
West - famous for amazing sunsets over the temple.
Which is the smallest province in Cambodia?
What is the national bird of Cambodia?
The Giant Ibis
What was the name of the famous elephant at Wat Phnom?
What is Cambodia's volcano called and where is it?
Yeak Laom Lake in Battambang province.
How old is Angkor Wat?
It is nearly 900 years old. Built in the first half of the 12th century.
What is the largest province in Cambodia?
Mondulkiri province
What are the traditional colours of the Cambodian flag?
Blue and red.
Blue is the King
Red are the people.
Who is Saloth Sar?
Pol Pot
What is the famous train in Battambang called?
The Norri or The Bamboo Train.
Who was the first King of Angkor Wat?
Jayavarman II - began ruling in the 9th century.
Phnom Penh was located in which province?
Kandal province
What is Cambodia's national flower?
Romduol flower
What is Cambodia's most famous prison called?
S 21 or Toul Sleng
What year did Cambodia join ASEAN?
In 1999
Who is Henri Mahout?
He was a French explorer who discovered the lost city of Angkor Wat in 1860.
Which province is the second furthest from Phnom Penh?
Oddar Mean Chey - 469 km
What is the national animal of Cambodia?
The Kouprey - type of cow
When did Cambodia gain independence from France?
What kind of temple did Angkor Wat traditionally represent?
A Hindu Temple dedicated to the deity or god Vishnu