A person whose job it is to cook
List of food with measurements for a recipe
To buy something
The money you pay to stay in your house
Something thats easy to do
A piece of cake
The instructions on how to cook a dish
Another way to say you are eating dinner at a restaurant
Dine out
Buying or selling somethin
A list of household expenses
Utility Bills
Work very late into the night
Burn the midnight oil
Another way to say you are eating dinner at home
Dine in
Of or for cooking
Money coming in and going out over a period of time
Allows customers to use banking services on the internet - mobile phone or laptop computer
Online banking
Be upset aboutn something that has happened
Cry over spilt milk
Another way to say food is delicious (Idiomatic language)
Mouth Watering
A person that is very picky about what they eat
Fussy Eater
To pay all the money that is owed on something
To pay in full
To buy something that you did not plan to buy
Impulse buying
Deal with a situation when it happens rather than worrying about it
Cross that bridge when you come to it
A style of cooking specific to a country or region
A great way to say you are very hungry
Dying of hunger / Starving
Compare prices of the same product at different shops before buying
To shop around
A reasonable price
You cant judge people or things based n their appearance
You can't judge a book by its cover