I "discovered" the Americas
Christopher Columbus
to travel around completely
A payment made to support an enterprise.
Name of the colony Samuel de Champlain founded on the St. Lawrence River.
Iconic Supermodel who was on the cover of Vogue at 17.
Naomi Campbell
I explored the East Coast of Canada and Claimed land for England. Who am I?
John Cabot
Seafaring or ocean-going; relating to the sea or ocean.
An economic system in which people can invest in trade and goods for profit.
The name of the trade city that Prince Henry conquered in Northern Africa, 1415.
American Supermodel and the Host of Americas Next Top Model.
Tyra Banks
I rounded the tip of Southern Africa, later naming it the Cape of Good Hope. Who am I?
Bartolomeu Dias
The act of converting people to Christianity.
A labor system the Spanish used in the Americas; Spanish landowners had the right as granted by Queen Isabella.
Name of the Island Christopher Columbus discovered in the Caribbean.
Iconic Longest Running (1999 - 2018) Brazilian Victoria's Secret Model.
Adriana Lima
I founded Quebec on the St. Lawrence River in 1608. Who am I?
Samuel de Champlain
A Spanish trading ship larger & heavier than a caravel.
What was the Colombian Exchange?
The Exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Western and Eastern Hemisphere as a result of exploration.
The name of the Muslim settlement destroyed in the Philippines by the Spanish in 1571.
Canadian Supermodel and Actress who became the first winner of Vogue/VH1 model of the year award in 1995.
Shalom Harlow
I was sent by the Spanish king Phillip II, who sent me to conquer the islands, which were later named after the king, to establish the first permanent Spanish colony there. Who am I?
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
A corporation formed by special permission from sovereign, often to colonize a region or handles imports/exports from specific colonies.
Chartered Company
a person born on the Iberian Peninsula; typically, a Spanish or Portuguese official who resided in Latin America temporarily for political and economic gain.
Name of the city and country where Alfonso de Albuquerque established a trading post in 1510.
Goa, India.
Australian Supermodel and Actress known for her Doll-like looks, once know as the 'It-Girl'.
Gemma Ward