Old Testament Books
Bible Facts
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All About Numbers
This book of the bible is written by Moses and is the 2nd book.
What is the book of Exodus?
The strongest man in the Bible. He tore a lion apart with his bare hands. He pushed down the pillars of a temple burying himself and about 3,000 Philistines alive
Who is Samson?
The shortest verse in the Bible.
Jesus wept.
The water turn into blood is the event of the
What is the 10 plagues?
The name of this book in the Bible that got its name because it contains so many numbers
What is Numbers?
This book of the bible is originally written in poetry form
What is the book of Psalms?
The wisest man in the Bible
Who is Solomon?
The number of books in the Bible?
there are 66 books in the Bible with 35 authors. A Bible is sort of like a library of books
The Bible uses this number to teach that God is one, and that He is the only God. Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Father are one.
What is one?
This book of the bible is focuses on one man’s trials and tribulations
What is the book of Job?
These are the fireproof men in the bible?
Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and AbedNego?
The longest chapter in the bible.
Psalm 119, it has 176 verses
Abraham was asked to
sacrifice his son.
This number is often linked with the idea of perfection and completion. General Naaman had to dip himself into the Jordan this many times. The priests and soldiers marched around Jericho this many times
What is the number 7?
The sixth book of the bible
What is the book of Joshua?
This man was "full of faith and power. He performed "great wonders and signs among the people." One day he preached a sermon, and was stoned to death for it. He is the first Christian martyr.
Who is Stephen?
The shortest book in the Bible
2 John, it has only 13 verses
People put blood on their door during this event
What is Passover?
This is the number of tribes of Israel and the number of disciples
What is the twelve?
The 4th book of Moses
What is book of Exodus?
This king was the richest in the Bible. He received money from tribute, taxes, and trade. His country was so rich that silver was said to be as common as stones in Jerusalem
Who is Solomon?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Numbers of words are there in the Bible.
773,692 words. It would take you 70 hours to read the whole Bible aloud.
This man was blind from birth and Jesus healed him
Who is Bartamus?
This is the number given to the beast in Revelation 13:18. The author of Revelation says this beast is powerful, deceitful, and able to perform miracles, but he does not reveal his identity
What is 666?